Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Let me work.
Jun 20, 2013
This has probably been touched on in here before but wading through this thread of gems might take me forever...

Met this chick a couple weeks back. She's cute, low-key type. By her own admission she isn't much of a fan of social media. We're vibing pretty good. Grabbed a bite the other day, plans being made for another date/meet-up early next week. We stay busy so work week evenings are the options to work with for that face-to-face time. Conversation is good, we laugh, seem comfortable around one another.

That said, for some reason there's a nagging feeling inside me that our communication should be increased/HAS to exist in some fashion daily.

It's not regular in the sense of constant back and forth. We talk regularly, but we don't blow up each other's phone like that. That's fine and all for me, as I ain't much for the phone and I don't necessarily have to talk to anybody every day (and if I did, I prefer face-to-face) But the nagging feeling won't go away. I'm not trying to force shyt, but I don't want to feel like I'm running out of shyt to discuss. I have things, but I'm not trying to delve THAT DEEP into things. It's still early, ain't trying to give too much at this stage or scare anybody off.

I know I'm overthinking shyt, so how do I cut that out?


Mar 8, 2015
NYC black coffee tough guys aka the Stoozy Boys
Brehs that have scooped chics at the gym what's your approach?

I know fine chics don't pull up to the gym to be hit on but I need this one :noah:

I might have to go with the direct approach and cut all the small talk and be like I peeped you for A few times what's yuh name blah blah let me get your number.

My mouthpiece ain't set up for a gym type setting and needs work overall :mjcry:

Once I got em I'm smooth as butter but my opening and beginning is lack luster due to nerves unless I'm liqoured up.

My #1 rule is to never "shyt where you lift". Its fun talking to a nice slimmy, till you realize all you want is a one night fukkfest, and shes gonna be at the gym next time you go asking "what are we". But if you don't care, and you can play the keep away game long enough then lets dive in;

Most women are at the gym because some buff moron will be there, so you already know the agena, you have to keep an eye out for these types, look for makeup, thot shorts, and not playing music. They want to be distracted, easily approachable. My tact isn't really complicated since I'm pretty social with all the staff at the gym, crack jokes, share silly stories etc, this already makes you look like the social butterfly of the gym, not afraid to converse with anyone. This makes it seem like you're less into her, and more into a vacuous conversation with a rando. My more common line is "You new here? I usually remember everyone in the afternoon/night (whenever you meet said thot), most people will tell you that they come, work out and go straight home, easy to follow up with and continuing the convo, you can work out the small talk.

Ultimately, you want to eventually ask her two questions that will make her talk about herself; "How long you been living here" and "What was your previous gym". The latter is a qualifier she has to make herself pass or justify. If she answers with "This is my first gym", you neg her a bit with "Oh so you're just starting, gonna be a while before you can catch up to me" and if she replies with "I went to so and so gym before", you reply with "Yeah I heard it was shytty, no one talked and it was filled with old people". Those two negs will get her going in on the convo.


Mar 8, 2015
NYC black coffee tough guys aka the Stoozy Boys
This has probably been touched on in here before but wading through this thread of gems might take me forever...

Met this chick a couple weeks back. She's cute, low-key type. By her own admission she isn't much of a fan of social media. We're vibing pretty good. Grabbed a bite the other day, plans being made for another date/meet-up early next week. We stay busy so work week evenings are the options to work with for that face-to-face time. Conversation is good, we laugh, seem comfortable around one another.

That said, for some reason there's a nagging feeling inside me that our communication should be increased/HAS to exist in some fashion daily.

It's not regular in the sense of constant back and forth. We talk regularly, but we don't blow up each other's phone like that. That's fine and all for me, as I ain't much for the phone and I don't necessarily have to talk to anybody every day (and if I did, I prefer face-to-face) But the nagging feeling won't go away. I'm not trying to force shyt, but I don't want to feel like I'm running out of shyt to discuss. I have things, but I'm not trying to delve THAT DEEP into things. It's still early, ain't trying to give too much at this stage or scare anybody off.

I know I'm overthinking shyt, so how do I cut that out?

You're not taking the step into the romantic/sexual side of things, you're just doing play-dates. Its cute and its gets you buzzed, but you have to imply to her that things need to be more forward. It honestly sounds like you need to see how she reacts with drinks in her system, some people need to be discovered via any means, you just have to see the real her first, then she'll open up and get to the heavy flirty/petting stage. Then there might be the fact that you aren't making any advances, are you touching her hands, playing with her hair, touching the small of her back, etc? If there's no kino escalation, its gonna get pretty dry, really quick. At some point some intimacy needs to be shown by you, You're the leader, procrastination is seen as beta behavior, you gotta start making some moves.


Marathon Continues
Jun 11, 2017
Remember brehs do not waste your prime 20-47 more like (34-42) in a relationship. There are new standards. People are living longer with better health and more funds. Enjoy life travel get everything out of life before you give away your freedom.

If you decide to get into a relationship make sure there is reciprocity.

You control the relationship, if she gives you any trouble leave. YOU are the prize in YOUR life.

Stop trying to play the extra role in your own movie.


Dec 25, 2014
You're not taking the step into the romantic/sexual side of things, you're just doing play-dates. Its cute and its gets you buzzed, but you have to imply to her that things need to be more forward. It honestly sounds like you need to see how she reacts with drinks in her system, some people need to be discovered via any means, you just have to see the real her first, then she'll open up and get to the heavy flirty/petting stage. Then there might be the fact that you aren't making any advances, are you touching her hands, playing with her hair, touching the small of her back, etc? If there's no kino escalation, its gonna get pretty dry, really quick. At some point some intimacy needs to be shown by you, You're the leader, procrastination is seen as beta behavior, you gotta start making some moves.


I had two dates this week with two different women. Both ended up with sexual activity.

By the end of each date I let these chicks know I was romantically/sexually interested in them and kissed them and they reciprocated.

We know women will not make that first move for a multitude of reasons. If a chick feels your holding back she'll pull back as well as she'll think something is wrong. How many times in less bolder days have we all held back then kissed a woman on a third date and she said I was ready for that on the first date.

Of course this depends on a chicks energy towards you. I know within 10 mins if that energy is live.

I've had dates where you can feel the energy dying. but if you feel it go for it.


May 6, 2012
This has probably been touched on in here before but wading through this thread of gems might take me forever...

Met this chick a couple weeks back. She's cute, low-key type. By her own admission she isn't much of a fan of social media. We're vibing pretty good. Grabbed a bite the other day, plans being made for another date/meet-up early next week. We stay busy so work week evenings are the options to work with for that face-to-face time. Conversation is good, we laugh, seem comfortable around one another.

That said, for some reason there's a nagging feeling inside me that our communication should be increased/HAS to exist in some fashion daily.

It's not regular in the sense of constant back and forth. We talk regularly, but we don't blow up each other's phone like that. That's fine and all for me, as I ain't much for the phone and I don't necessarily have to talk to anybody every day (and if I did, I prefer face-to-face) But the nagging feeling won't go away. I'm not trying to force shyt, but I don't want to feel like I'm running out of shyt to discuss. I have things, but I'm not trying to delve THAT DEEP into things. It's still early, ain't trying to give too much at this stage or scare anybody off.

I know I'm overthinking shyt, so how do I cut that out?
i think you need to figure out what you want with her exactly. there might be a lack of clarity in your own mind regarding what your connection with her is about and because of that, you are trying to keep the convo going to keep the options open with her. You don,t want to lose what you have with her but you don't exactly know what you want with her. I think that's where the nagging feeling comes from. If i'm wrong and you actually do know what you want, then i think the feeling comes from the fear of fukking up. In that case, i would tell you to just set up a time and place for the next meet up and once that is done, you won't feel like you have to keep a convo going cause you'll just talk to her when you see her. the fact that your meet up is still up in the air might be giving you the feeling like you have to keep her attention. stop conversing with women via phone/text. cause no matter how interesting you are and no matter how much "it feels like we've known eachother forever", at some point you run out of things to say. Let her miss you a little. Let her feel the longing for hanging out with you. Let her feel your absence. You are robbing her of that excitement if you feel like you gotta talk to her everyday. I know you said you don't blow up eachother's phone but talking everyday is too much of a chick you don't live with, are not married with, don't have a child with, let alone a chick you haven't fukked with. Only exception is if she's initiating contact everyday (and even then you should cut it short after a few exchanges and just set up a meet up so you can fukk her until she's obsessed with you).

also, you might have that feeling if you're not trying to meet other girls as well. you might feel like the next man might secure her attention and then you'll be stuck alone and lonely...

just my two cents.


May 6, 2012
I ended up smashing a woman that I work with the other night. She never been with a black guy or had someone to properly put it down right. We were only cool before we did it and I wasn't real serious of actually getting with her. I was just horny one night and told her to come over.

Now, she pressuring me into relationship :francis:
Asking me do I love her?:francis:

My pops always told me don't ever tell a woman that you love her if she pressuring you to. I always try to keep low expectations when it comes to women because you never know what to expect from them.

I know cuffing season is around the corner but this ain't someone I wanna cuff:yeshrug:

And also I don't want nobody at my job to know we what got going on:hubie:.

Not that it's a high risk, excellent job because it's really not but I like to keep things private especially if we work at the same place or I don't see you as possibly being my main chick.

There's other women at the gig I wanna smash but I don't think it's wise and will be problematic

1. you should have set the rules up BEFORE you fukked her.
2. you should have vetted her first, make sure you can handle her crazy (just by your post, i can tell she has mental issues)
3. that bytch will fukk up your whole flow at work out of spite. that's the type of bytch you should have kept as a cheerleader for you. the type you give just enough so that she fantazises about you without actually fukking her. So that she keeps talking to other coworkers about how hot and sexy you are which opens up the other women at work. the way it is now, she's just going to spit in the soup and fukk it up for everyone...

what's done is done. You are right about not telling her you love her. and definitely don't get into a relationship with her. at this point you gotta bite the bullet. The advice i have is to keep all your text convos, if you haven't fukked a second time already, have the convo with her about how you've had relationships at work from previous jobs and it went really bad because the girl became super clingy and since then you told yourself you would never date a girl from work. tell her it really messed you up. then fukk her again (the fukking is like her accepting the deal at this point). there is no way to control if she will tell other people or not (as i said, you should have handled that before you fukked) but at this point you just have to get her to a point where she feels she has to work for your approval. If she wants you to be happy she will make things comfortable and if she understands that you don't want your shyt out in the open, she will respect that (maybe). it's a fine line though because if she feels like you are scared of shyt getting out, she will respect you less and use it to control you. you gotta walk that balance.

the key is to not make her feel like you used her or played her. be honest with her as well as with other chicks. be respectful. be a gentleman with her. but be firm with her and don't compromise. good luck breh.

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
I never get why some women insist on fukking in the dark :dwillhuh:

I see it as she has something I don’t want to see :francis:


Mar 8, 2015
NYC black coffee tough guys aka the Stoozy Boys
I never get why some women insist on fukking in the dark :dwillhuh:

I see it as she has something I don’t want to see :francis:

Insecurity. Even the most in shape women will feel "ugly" with their bodies, something we as men don't really worry about. I got a pot belly? Who cares, I get laid, go to the beach, etc. But if a woman has one stretch mark, its coco butter and moisturizer season.


Dec 30, 2014
I match with This chick on tinder

Get her snapchat and the bytch is an escort

But apparently she didnt match with me to sell her p*ssy

I respect it


Dec 9, 2012
One of my Worse mistake was getting attach to women I never was even intimate with I was trying to be some of these hoes everything when they haven't even earned it. Then I would get pissed off if they would even flake or wouldn't even answer the phone for me., be all in my feelings about somebody who dint belong to me That's when I started to learn you gotta keep your options open and have more than one girl in rotation. I can tell that use to turn them off from me tho. Looking back I cant even blame them. This was b4 I learned the game
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Nov 18, 2016
Brehs that have scooped chics at the gym what's your approach?

I know fine chics don't pull up to the gym to be hit on but I need this one :noah:

I might have to go with the direct approach and cut all the small talk and be like I peeped you for A few times what's yuh name blah blah let me get your number.

My mouthpiece ain't set up for a gym type setting and needs work overall :mjcry:

Once I got em I'm smooth as butter but my opening and beginning is lack luster due to nerves unless I'm liqoured up.
Shiiiiiit everytime im in the gym theres a new chick eyeing me but i cant even approach not even one because it will alienate the other ones :beli: same story at the train station on my commutes to work:beli: