Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


All Star
May 1, 2012
so i was messing wit this (black) (im a cac) broad for like 5-6 months. good sex and whatever but I kept it strictly like that. came thru and hit, maybe stayed for the night and watched tv shows with her or whatever but that was it. then something happened that caused her to not let me hit it anymore :usure:

yeah ok it was an std cause i was messin with other broads unprotected

so a couple of months pass and she starts hittin me up on facebook, checks how im doin and says she misses me and wants me to come over again :mjpls:

so im at her crib again, watching shyt on with her on the laptop in bed and she tells me straight out she isnt going to let me hit. Im like riite.

on the third night of bein over there it was clear that she wasn't going to give me easy puss so instead of simpin this broad into lettin me hit the p*ssy I just said fukk this and left :gladbron:

couple of days later she hits me up and asks if im mad or shyt. I tell her straight out that she didnt want to fukk and thats it so I bounced :wow: The bytch catches feelings, goes on a tirade and then deletes me off facebook :russ: now a month later she "accidentally" drunk calls me and asks if it made me mad when she deleted me off facebook :laff: I tell her I dont give a fukk, then apologize for whatever I had said to her that made her mad. just so that she is aight but then i keep it moving.

Tell me did I win brehs. How did I handle this?? :myman: I have a feeling a lot of dudes here would have simped for days to get back in that :usure:
As Tony Spoktana- I say you give her a couple of days, she'd love you again.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
@Wild self reminds me of my younger brother. I went to drop his gf off at her place (he's like 18 now) and instead of getting in the front with me he got in the back seat and sat with her. Told him if he ever did some shyt like that again to never ask me for anything again.

Gotta school him on EVERYTHING, from body movements to behavior to how they talk. Gotta give them everything and everything often. Your lil bro is only 18, and its the perfect time to school him. Better then than begin 21 and still clueless.
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All Star
May 1, 2012
The hardest thing to do is not make exception, you meet a hot chick and your like damn

I'm a Christian and i'll talk to a chick and find out she's a atheist and then I'm like we'll you know maybe we can still work it out she's so hot and hot everything in order

Nope, gotta maintain your standards

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

I learned my lesson this week. :wow:


May 2, 2012
"Like Tyler has said it’s crazy what lengths guys will go to keep that illusion, how much obvious evidence they’ll ignore and hamster rationalize to convince themselves their girl (or EE girls) are “different”.

Two recent anecdotes:

1) I’m at a bar the other weekend and this chick I know sees me there. I fukked her friend like a champ and almost fukked her too, so the sexual tension is still there in her mind. She runs over and hugs me and grinds me and talks to me with her face an inch from mine while I do nothing to encourage any of it. I see her up on other random guys too. Turns out her BF shows up later in the night. This poor dude, complete beta, just follows her around all night with a sad lost puppydog look on his face while she flirts with a bunch of other guys and myself, completely disrespecting him.
They went home together (felt bad for him, I don’t like taking girlfriends off normal nice dudes so I ignored her the rest of the night and didn’t push it when she came over to hug and grind on me saying her goodbyes before she left (while her bf stands behind her not being introduced to the guys and holding her jacket looking sad)).

Do you think that guy went home and thought “my gf is a raging slut and I should dump her because I want a Good Girl”? No. He told himself that we were just “friends” and it’s nothing to worry about. And she told him we’re just friends because she knows he wants something to believe. Sub-consciously he knows…he KNOWS that shyt. But it’s too fukking scary to accept that the girl he planned his future with (and he knows he can’t get another one easily if he breaks up), would have sucked me off in the bathroom of that bar in a heartbeat.

Over time he’ll build up enough of a fantasy rationalization world in his head (“oh her personal trainer is just friendly and she likes working out to look good for me, that’s why she’s sore all the time after the gym”, “oh I saw her car driving past me on my way home from work when she said she was working late, she was probably just getting food for her late shift even tho she was starving when she got home and immediately ran to the shower before letting me see her”, etc). And then in her 30s she’ll chill on it because she’s had her alpha cock and she’s getting old and guys don’t want her anymore so she’ll calm down and become the Good Girl her BF always knew she was.

And he’ll tell himself “see I knew I had a special one who’s different from those sluts my buddies were banging all those years!” And she’ll call into the Leykis show to tell him (with PRIDE) about the night she sucked my dikk in a bar bathroom. And he’ll be driving to work listening to the show and think “that caller sounds a lot like my girl but I know it’s not mine because mine isn’t a slut like these girls. I wonder what poor sucker is married to THIS chick lolz” and change stations to listen to some romantic beta love songs about how true love overcomes all and men can’t live without a woman loving him.

2) Nice guy buddy of mine admits he has a crush on a Good Girl in our group. He&#8217;s convinced she&#8217;s a special unique delicate flower. She forced her # on me the other day when no one was around because she wants to fukk and knows I won&#8217;t be clingy or judge her for that, and it would take literally <10 txts to get her to send me naked pics and <20 txts to get her to fukk me this weekend. He would never believe me if I told him, and I won't do it cause he's my buddy and likes her, so even if they got together he would be convinced she was a Good Girl and NAWALT&#8230;

&#8230;when the reality is, she has the same slut potential/inclination as every other girl, she just hasn't been put in a situation where the right triggers are flipped (ie &#8211; a high-value sexual guy like me directly flirting with her and making her gina tingle as I create a non-judgemental sexual environment and smoothly escalate).
The magical amazing EE girls are the same way. You can either lock them away in your basement so they're not allowed to ever see or interact with another man for the rest of their lives&#8230;or you can work on being the highest-value man you can be, don't make her the center of your existance, and accept her for the sometimes flawed human being she, like any of us, really is."

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Gotta school him on EVERYTHING, from body movements to behavior to how they talk. Gotta give them everything and everything often. Your lil bro is only 18, and its the perfect time to school him. Better then than begin 21 and still clueless.

Trying to. He thinks he's gonna marry this bytch. He's even going to a local university so they can stay together. My cousin who's a year older than him said he seen her at a party and she said "don't tell him I was here, I'm sorry" I ain't told my brother but iont like her tbh.


May 2, 2012
"But realistically, I find women to be like razors. The quality ones cost more. All can cause irritation no matter the quality. And they all get dull with time & are best changed regularly."


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Trying to. He thinks he's gonna marry this bytch. He's even going to a local university so they can stay together. My cousin who's a year older than him said he seen her at a party and she said "don't tell him I was here, I'm sorry" I ain't told my brother but iont like her tbh.

Men need to realize the girl your dating like 18 to 25 it won't last.

I wish I could go ack and slap my old self for being saddled down at a young age

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Shorty transferring to a school in the UK in the midst of our relationship. 6 Months deep and shes leaving in the summer so I just consider myself single now. Don't bad about the split, I've grown to be someone cold to this kind of stuff and made sure I wasnt attached. It also helps that she told me she was considering the school change back in December.

Definitely my last girlfriend during my young years though. The experience taught me a lot about how to handle relationships and what not and beyond the experience I dont see the point of it anymore. Like @Malta said, dont look beyond a year and know that at any given moment anything can come between the relationship to cause the break.

Just a shame because a part of me feels like I may've pushed her to make this decision with some of the gripes that she has towards my boyfriend behaviour and now there are some small regrets

Time to embrace the lonely single life. :manny:
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May 17, 2012
The hardest thing to do is not make exception, you meet a hot chick and your like damn

I'm a Christian and i'll talk to a chick and find out she's a atheist and then I'm like we'll you know maybe we can still work it out she's so hot and hot everything in order

Nope, gotta maintain your standards

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

you'll end up wasting your life away with that kind of thinking. if you meet a chick ur into, and she's into u, and she's atheist, i dont see a problem here. you are the man. men are meant to be followed. if she senses you are real with your belief, then you can bring her to the flock and turn her into a true christian. even if yall dont make it, if you're a true christian, the satisfaction of saving a soul should be enough for you. for all you know she may have came from a family that never stepped foot in a church. has no real clue what goes on there. and here u are quick to banish her all because of some "principle" you have.

let us all calm down with this talking tough business. i've said it before and i'll say it again, 99% of all guys in this thread wont always follow the rules.


"21 &#8220;Not everyone who says to me, &#8216;Lord, Lord,&#8217; will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, &#8216;Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?&#8217; 23 Then I will tell them plainly, &#8216;I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!&#8217;"


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
you'll end up wasting your life away with that kind of thinking. if you meet a chick ur into, and she's into u, and she's atheist, i dont see a problem here. you are the man. men are meant to be followed. if she senses you are real with your belief, then you can bring her to the flock and turn her into a true christian. even if yall dont make it, if you're a true christian, the satisfaction of saving a soul should be enough for you. for all you know she may have came from a family that never stepped foot in a church. has no real clue what goes on there. and here u are quick to banish her all because of some "principle" you have.

let us all calm down with this talking tough business. i've said it before and i'll say it again, 99% of all guys in this thread wont always follow the rules.


"21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’"

Nope I wont
I've been unequally yoked it doesn't work.

I don't drink, club, and I won't have sex again if im not mrried. I go to church every week and bible study. I pray and read my bible every day, i livd a righteous life. GOD is mg number one i could not date a atheist.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


May 17, 2012
Nope I wont
I've been unequally yoked it doesn't work.

I don't drink, club, and I won't have sex again if im not mrried. I go to church every week and bible study. I pray and read my bible every day, i livd a righteous life. GOD is mg number one i could not date a atheist.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

but i've read some of your posts and i know deep in your heart u rejoice at the misfortune of others. do you think the lord you serve is an idiot?

you've been unequally yoked. my friend, are you deformed? do you have an incurable disease? are you mute? are you deaf? what is it in your life that makes you unequally yoked? or are you basing all this on your past experiences with women?

you're like a killer on the run, hiding in the sanctuary of a church waiting for those who chase you to pass by. you're in that sanctuary not because you truly want to repent for what you've done. but because you're being chased. when ur praying to god for forgiveness, are you assuming the lord your god is unaware of the circumstances upon which you came to him?

dont waste your time my friend.

anyway, back to the thread.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
but i've read some of your posts and i know deep in your heart u rejoice at the misfortune of others. do you think the lord you serve is an idiot?

you've been unequally yoked. my friend, are you deformed? do you have an incurable disease? are you mute? are you deaf? what is it in your life that makes you unequally yoked? or are you basing all this on your past experiences with women?

you're like a killer on the run, hiding in the sanctuary of a church waiting for those who chase you to pass by. you're in that sanctuary not because you truly want to repent for what you've done. but because you're being chased. when ur praying to god for forgiveness, are you assuming the lord your god is unaware of the circumstances upon which you came to him?

dont waste your time my friend.

anyway, back to the thread.

I don't rejoice, you don't know me friend.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Gotta school him on EVERYTHING, from body movements to behavior to how they talk. Gotta give them everything and everything often. Your lil bro is only 18, and its the perfect time to school him. Better then than begin 21 and still clueless.

We grew up in one of the worst generations for proper male-female relationships because the older folks held back all the knowledge or only taught us simping and we had a whole generation of women and even men drenched in feminist ideology from womb to adult. When I have kids, if I have any sons, I'm definitely lacing them with the proper knowledge on how to conduct themselves.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Trying to. He thinks he's gonna marry this bytch. He's even going to a local university so they can stay together. My cousin who's a year older than him said he seen her at a party and she said "don't tell him I was here, I'm sorry" I ain't told my brother but iont like her tbh.

That's already a heartbreak in the making. The kid has a tender heart, which he will have until he realizes how these women really get down. The fact she was at a party and didn't want to be ratted out tells me she is already talking to dudes on the side.

Your brother is making another critical mistake in following up behind a broad. NEVER follow up behind a broad. If she wants to go to some other university, don't go with her unless that was a choice YOU made. She's putting her two fingers right in his nostrils and leading him around. You better give him a dose of that real.