Mind you, I don't knock anyone's strategy/philosophy towards a social media "compromise", but the "subtle" she "liked" my story/pics overthink is just a bad state of mind to be in...
Would rather get the no response back and move on lol
This is very succinctly put, because without telling a bunch of mind numbingly granular stories, this is for sure a factor, and a major way people communicate when it comes to dating/sex/relationships. Someone told me once they were glad I didn't have SM, because they would have had to read my every move, liking pics, following, watching videos, and I was just like wow, they were used to that. Text is bad enough.
Directly kinda related, someone sent me a "Hey, I'm working that night!", which is transparently likely less than true to some degree, don't want to press any more, but I wanted to say something short, sincere and leave things open, without sounding paranoid, insulting, or anxious, and I just came up with nothing at all. There's obviously not much in that text to respond to, if you see it clearly, but in person, both of us were very open, authentic, especially her moreso, and interested. And that exchange is just not those things. it's whiplash sometimes.
the idea that we all communicate through pics and likes, emojis and response times is pretty wild sometimes. Overly literary, but reducing people, with all their attraction, all their lust and flesh, into pixels and animation is a little rough.