Boyz In Motion Member
The supermarket example you used was spot on. Most conversations at the supermarket are either about the line being long, what sub I’m ordering, or my cart. I bought a bulk of broccoli once and this lady began asking me what other vegetables I use to cook, and I engaged back. I never looked at it as an opportunity to get a # or spit game, just a simple conversation.It helps to train urself ahead of time. Every woman u see, Ask urself what it is about her u find attractive. Imagine complimenting her on it. Based on the social norms of ur area and ur personal ability to flirtatiously convey levity, u can decide what is likely to elicit a positive response from her. For instance at a supermarket, u can’t just go up to a woman and tell her she’s beautiful. Don’t ever do this. It puts her on the spot and can make them nervous. Look in her basket or cart. Joke and say “what are we having tonight”. If she’s interested she’ll give a lengthy response. If she’s not she’ll giggle, give a short response and continue walking. Remember to be calm and smile.
that needs to change for me. I have an on & off switch for casually talking and tryna to spit game, when they should really be intergreted and used when appropriate.
It’s simple things like this that I forget sometimes. I need to be cognizant of my appearance. Smiling, having one earbud in and the other dangling, and just looking like someone you can approach or don’t mind being approached by.Remember to be calm and smile.
Coming up with on the fly things to say is definitely a skillset I need to harness. Like you said about most people being lonely, it might a possibility she would want someone to compliment her bag, or her shoes, or ask her about the project she’s holding. I’ll just start letting shyt fly.The majority of people ironically, are intrinsically lonely, so they jump into "elevator conversation" anytime they get..this time, you were literally in the elevator...from there on in, anything you mention is a conversation piece; From how long she's been there to, never seeing her around, to mentioning how its your first time seeing her. If she's commenting first, she's exhibiting sub behavior, she wants you take control, trust me, she'll follow any of your leads. Don't be afraid, anxious or nervous, to bring up anything, just keep the mouth piece moving and lead.
preciate y’all for the game.