the # 1 thing for Hinge for me was being able to filter out cacs, Idk if they still have that though
yup they do
i filter out cacs and atheists
the # 1 thing for Hinge for me was being able to filter out cacs, Idk if they still have that though
I have to second that after a rough start, Hinge stepped up to being the best app by far, added two solid jamaican baddies to the rotation since.
Less delusional, less flakes, and having to fill out a bio makes initial convo way better.better looking people or less delusional?
Less delusional, less flakes, and having to fill out a bio makes initial convo way better.
Looks wise BLK is still the best app
Still can't filter out fat bytches on any appyup they do
i filter out cacs and atheists
I have a female friend who is a 9 but her personality and just annoyingness brings her to a 5 man. We smashed before and she's in a relationship now and the bf does not want her hitting me up so she calls me in private from work or when he leaves.
Some of the arguments we've had: Yea NY was the mecca of basketball due too.. (She's from the South and hates NY) Her" NY was never no mecca of no basketball dirty ass city etc, nah nah
Me: Yea, many NBA players like Jordan and Kobe said MSG,
Her: "Ignores this and still adamant about her disdain for NY. Mind you, mf' has never shot a 3 in her life.
My ex and I were dating, she would say slick comments about how she has no ass and blah blah (all while in a relationship) I'm not a social person but I post some shyt on Valentines, this nikka messaged me angry cursing and blocked me. All while insisting she's happy in her relationship blah blah
Half my family is St.Lucian, my ex and I went there for our Birthday because it's in the same week. She goes to Puerto Rico years later then ask's me what is St.Lucia like because she want's to go there with her man. Out of all the islands you want to go there huh, she insists she sees nothing wrong with that.'
why are you doing this to yourself?
Not many other friends tbh
ya eating on hinge?
online dating has always been my weakness imma just stick with what im good at
im a terrible texterShort answer: Yes- 3 bodies since I downloaded in the summer, and one in the bed but wouldn’t let me smash. You have to go through a lot of garbage though but how else can you really bag women with a mask on and everything closed? at least up here, I know the south is open
sometimes its best to be alone breh. It can be lonely sure, especially in times like this where its harder to meet new people (especially if you are older than college age), but still protect your peace and keep negative/chaotic energy out of your life.
Yeah I used to do real good on hinged. Mad I deleted that shyt cause I got into a relationship but smh. I was talking to bad chicks who had jobs, talking about doctors, teachers, book publishers, law students and even a singer from Long Island. All showing high interest so high I couldn’t believe it. That app probably got too hot and became a cesspool now but I’ll check it out again.I hear hinge shows you the best of the best initially to get you locked into the app