Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Mr Solo Dolo
Dec 18, 2017
After going on a streak of matching with walruses. A super liked matched me a cutie. Haven’t said shyt cause my game ass. Help me brehs

You just gotta stop overthinking it, that's the worst thing you can do, just play it cool and remember that she's obviously interested in you too if she matched. You already got past the hard part.

If she's bad then don't gas her up, every dude in her inbox is doing that and she's bored of it. Play it cool and treat her like she's a 5. If you can, try and get her talking about herself, they love that more than anything and it shows you're interested in them.

If she's one of those blank bio bytches then it's hard to open so you gotta look for something in her pics you think you can make conversation about and take it from there.

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
You just gotta stop overthinking it, that's the worst thing you can do, just play it cool and remember that she's obviously interested in you too if she matched. You already got past the hard part.

If she's bad then don't gas her up, every dude in her inbox is doing that and she's bored of it. Play it cool and treat her like she's a 5. If you can, try and get her talking about herself, they love that more than anything and it shows you're interested in them.

If she's one of those blank bio bytches then it's hard to open so you gotta look for something in her pics you think you can make conversation about and take it from there.
I find it if I say hey or sup these dumb bytches don’t answer. The best way to greet is with a comment on their shyt?


Thats My Quarterback :to:
May 2, 2012
Brehs I done fukked up :mjcry:

I split with my ex a few months back, life is good recently, then she texts me tonight flirting like crazy and invites me over cause she "just wants a fukk", so I'm like aight cool, I get there and she's kinda drunk so she's being super honest and shyt, turns out she's seeing someone atm but they had a fight, he's ignoring her and she wanted "some attention" so got in touch with me. Now this is where any self-respecting dude tells her to bounce... but I've already come round to the idea I'm getting laid tonight so my dikk is overruling my brain so I smash but am confused af inside. Now I'm back home and I'm :mjcry:

:mjcry: Because I let myself be a cheap booty call when I should have put that bytch in her place and cause i do still have feelings for her plus she's bad af so I'm back at square one where I was when we split except now she some got some other dude and I'm a jealous mf :birdman:

I hope this is just post nut clarity :lupe:
Find somebody you like more than her. Easier said than done of course.


Mr Solo Dolo
Dec 18, 2017
I find it if I say hey or sup these dumb bytches don’t answer. The best way to greet is with a comment on their shyt?

Hard to say cause they're all different but generally the badder she is you have to assume the more guys she has talking to her so a simple "hey" will get buried, you need to stand out.

I usually open with a question, like I'll scan their pics and find something I can sort of force a conversation out of just to begin with. That gets your foot in the door and then you just take it from there. I matched with a solid 9 last week, she had a blank bio but had bandanas on in a few pics so I just opened with that, told her I bought a bandana over lockdown but couldn't pull it off. I didn't buy no bandana over lockdown but she don't need to know that :heh:


All Star
Jun 14, 2012
I just want some outside opinions.

yesterday was a really bad day for me in terms of mental health. typically i try to thug it out, but i realized i really just needed time alone. earlier in the day, id made plans w my girl to do some stuff but cancelled for the reason above. I didn’t want her around while im feeling bad bc it’ll just bring the general mood down too. i told her i needed some time to get my head right. id never go into the full details of how i was feeling, but even doing the simplest things felt like a battle an example of that would be taking out my puppy.

yesterday, it snowed hard and as a result, it was her (my puppy’s) first time seeing snow. i knew my girl wanted to be there but the timing was wrong so I took pictures and videos of her playing in the snow to send her. after i send the pics and vids, she got mad at me saying she was robbed of being around for a huge milestone (my puppy seeing snow for the first time), and also that she was upset that i cancelled on her because she took off work to be w me (she can work whenever she wants so idk about this). in the end, she called my behavior rude and made me to feel like an a$$hole. she didn’t even bother checking in on how i was feeling

This all happened because I decided to look out for myself and take the day to myself. If I’m feeling real bad why would I want you to come and share that feeling with me? Let me get right so we can be good together, and today I feel so much better btw. Just going off of what happened yesterday though, it kinda feels wrong as to how I was treated. It feels like my feelings were thrown to the side for her wants. This is the first time I’ve felt this way, and if y’all find that I’m just bytching just say that too. I wanna bring this stuff up to her, but I’m not sure what to say

I understand where you’re coming from breh but you said yourself you’d never go into detail to her how you was feeling. In my opinion, a relationship is all about communication. Your girl probably doesn’t realise how fukked up you was really feeling. If she knew that you was finding it hard to do the simplest things then if she’s the kind of woman you need then I’m sure she’d be there for you anyway you need her.

If I was you, I’d tell her how you really feel. That kind of thing is scary sometimes, but if your girl is one worth keeping she’ll understand and be there for you.


Kawhi pack got me leanin
Apr 5, 2020
Seeing a girl tmrw and I don't know shyt about her I just texted her off snapchat and got straight to the point and asked her to meet up. Never walked into a linkup this blind so I'm a lil nervous but it's gonna be exciting and interesting

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
You just gotta stop overthinking it, that's the worst thing you can do, just play it cool and remember that she's obviously interested in you too if she matched. You already got past the hard part.

If she's bad then don't gas her up, every dude in her inbox is doing that and she's bored of it. Play it cool and treat her like she's a 5. If you can, try and get her talking about herself, they love that more than anything and it shows you're interested in them.

If she's one of those blank bio bytches then it's hard to open so you gotta look for something in her pics you think you can make conversation about and take it from there.
c*nt didn’t answer me. Done super liking these bytches. I’m delete this shyt soon and start working just daily just to distract myself. I don’t get why these cute girls match with me but don’t talk to me or when I try to set something up they just go dry. Damn breh I’m not perfect but I’m not ugly.