This thread is nearly 5000 pages, so it lets you know the mysterious nature of women, and how, when unbounded by God, they cannot be contained. The key I've found ultimately is from the Bible verse
Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
In other words, do what God wants you to do, live a righteous life, accept Jesus as savior and then pray for God to send you the right woman. All the knowledge I've told you in this thread was pretty much how to avoid 'ticking time bombs' or in other words women that can destroy your life. But for a woman that is going to last for the long term, ask Jesus to send her to you. Why? Because God has much greater knowledge and vision than us and can determine the heart of a woman. The heart, morals and Godly inclination of a woman is what is necessary to last for the long term. If this woman you are dealing with has no fear that her actions will be judged when you are not around, then she most likely will seek her own pleasure.
Also, as a man, YOU are the leader of the household, which is why you first must seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and things like the right woman will be ADDED unto you. If you aren't headed in the right direction, where can you lead your woman?