addressing this part specifically.
A fun date doesn't have to be expressive. To date I've taken 4 chics to the same mini golf spot. $7 a person then we got Chinese food and they all got fukked. 2 the same night and the others on a different night.
The issue isn't the dates. It's home much nikkas are spending. You got nikkas sending Ubers and shyt smh.
Because there are so many nikkas trying to smash a chic without taking her out at all the bar is extremely low date wise. You can do a walk in the park followed by a stop at the ice cream truck and a bytch is already ready to fukk cause the last 3 nikkas went straight to trying to get her to come over for Netflix and chill.
Agreed... all my first dates have been happy hour at a bar... good convo, cheap food... cheap drinks most the time (unless it’s they wantin patron or some shyt) and then after that they ready to fukk
you can get the p*ssy much easier by goin in public, havin an hour long convo minus mentioning sex then be on “well I enjoyed this convo.. I’m bout to head out hopefully we can do this again.. if you comfortable, you can come over for a few if you want if not I’d understand”...9 times outta 10 that whole gameplan has worked for me
but occasionally I do come across chicks you can tell have dealt with simps their whole life
like last summer I met this chick who was about to take the bar exam.. all she ever said was shyt like “I wanna do hookah.. you should take me there” “I like these air maxes.. you should buy me these” “I want Chinese.. you should cashapp me”.. one time she called me when I was in target “oh you in target? What you gettin me”... I HATE chicks like that.. had to cut her fine ass off after I told her “look, I don’t know what you used to but that ain’t me”