She did. She's the shyest woman I've ever met, I can not read her at all. I tried flirting but it went right over her head. The loud noises of the band seemed to bother her. Maybe she has Asperger's I don't know.@FIVE 6 MAFIA did the Asian chick turn up?
We danced to a few songs then took a break to cool off. A guy asked her to dance so she danced with him. I was still cooling off so I was just chilling watching the dancers. The guy she was dancing with tried to get close, and he put his hand on the small of her back, and she pushed him off and left him standing there on the dance floor. I pretended not to see what just happened, like I was looking in another direction, and I asked her how the dance went. She said it was weird but okay. Then she went and got her sweater, and tied it around her waist. I think she wanted to cover up her azz, she didn't seem to like the attention and looks she was getting.
Then another song came on and I danced with a different chick for that song. She was watching me the whole time, then halfway through the song I looked over and she was not there. I didn't know where she had gone. She sent a text saying she got tired so she left. But no one gets tired 45 minutes into an event...
Even though we hadn't officially made it a date, and I didn't get a chance to let her know that I was into her, it seems like she got jealous and left when I danced with the new chick. Or maybe she's introverted and can't handle those loud environments. She was more comfortable and open when we were at dance class. A lot of guys were asking her to dance, and she said no to a lot of people but danced with me.
She's an attorney with a Juris Doctor degree. She is very logical and seems introverted. I'm thinking that with this woman, it may be more beneficial to simply tell her that I'm into her and that I'd like to take her on a date.
It's almost like she's so intelligent and logical, that the usual game doesn't work on her.