This chick i been dealing with for couple-- few months....told me she had bought me a gift, she knows i had already bought her a gift. I wanted to exchange gifts with her on Christmas eve, we live barely 10 mins apart...she acted like it was no big deal to exchange gifts "sometime
after" Christmas.

. Christmas eve morning, I saw her and told her
Me: "hey, i want to give you your gift today, so I'll have to meet up with you this afternoon to drop it off. I want to give it to you before Christmas"
Her: "...but Christmas is literally tomorrow..."
Me: "....yes, I know. That's why I want to give it to you today on Christmas eve

Again we live 10 mins apart. And It's Christmas EVE!
So a couple hrs later I texted her and told her i had to finish shopping for a family member but that I'd meet up with her later to simply drop off her gift...
She didn't hit me back for over 2-3 hrs until she got off work and then she texted and said she had to help her sister finish wrapping gifts etc. I texted her back literally 2 mins after she texted this and told her I passing her neighborhood in several I called her twice, she didnt answer, she then texted and said she was at her sister's house already.
Then she says this bs, "I dont want you to just drop it off lol, we need to go out, or dinner lol"
Now I know what y'all are thinking based on her text. But what she says is not what she always means or does. She'll often wait several hrs to respond to texts and then text me right before she goes to sleep with basically nothin to say. Or she'll just be flakey as of late.
So I didn't even reply to that text she sent, and she didnt text me back the rest of the night either.
Christmas morning I finally replied with "ok.
Merry Christmas"
And then she replied back "merry Christmas!!!....blah blah blah"
I feel like that's really uncaring to basically feel indifferent towards accepting someone's gift on Christmas eve. Especially someone you been dating for a couple-few months now. It would take literally 5mins to accomplish this and I'm the one offering to come meet her.
I say ALL THIS to say, that's the final straw. I say/complain about very little, I just sit back and observe and pretend I'm clueless, and I give chicks ample leash to hang themselves. And once I'm done it comes out of nowhere. So Whatever she bought me, I know it's not of any importance and she likely only bought me something bc she knew I had already bought her something.
supposed to be hanging out new years eve, but I feel like she's gonna flake bc she hasn't mentioned it since I asked her. Either way, I'm breaking it off with her. It's gonna be weird to give her gift and then be like,

. But it's been a snowball of stuff the past month, communication has gotten shyttier, and I'm super pissed off at this point.