So I was out for drinks yesterday at a cocktail bar waiting for one of my PAAGs and a whole gaggle of women from work came in.
At first I was like

as I like to keep a clear space between my work and social life. They saw me and waved. I waved back and waited for my date to arrive. She turned up, we kissed full on the lips and I went about my evening, but I could feel their eyes watching me.
4 times this morning. I'm having women at work walk up to me in the kitchen to ask me about her. Tell me she looked so beautiful,and how long have I been seeing her. Trying to pry.
Usually I'd hate these questions, but it adds to my mystery at work. Also let these work chicks know the levels I'm dealing with. Some of them have upped their flirting. Which is helpful and makes them more open to do me work favours. Which is never a bad thing.