i think its because women want to create and play a mother role, sometimes almost as though it was just a game. it has something to do with codependency
Codependency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Codependency (or codependence, interdependency ) is defined as a psychological condition or a relationship in which a person is controlled or manipulated by another who is affected with a pathological condition (as in an addiction to alcohol or heroin); and in broader terms, it refers to the dependence on the needs of or control of another.
so an example of codependency would be a mother purposely poisoning her son's breakfast everyday to make him physically weak so that she could always be the one to care for him. im not making this example up it happens commonly enough that theres actually a name for this its called munchausen syndrome
anyway in a relationship by wanting her significant other to be flawed, it allows her to have control over him, not unlike the way a child is controlled by his mother, when she poisons his food on purpose to make him need her care. by you being flawed it makes her feel like she is more needed and important, creating a role of power where others are forced to depend on her
its twisted but i can see how it can happen particularly in women who have low self esteem and cant find any other way to create self worth other than to manufacture situations (dramas, conflicts) to essentially trick others into depending on her as a way to validate her own self worth
if you ever find yourself in a situation where your girl is constantly creating dramas and conflicts, there is a strong chance that its about her ability to create control and power over you by making you into a dependent of her. in not as many words, she is creating a mirror of herself to reflect back an image of power and greatness and using your life as a tool to do it
if youre too perfect, she cant play this kind of game, so you have to be flawed to allow her to experience these things. this is why i think women crave flawed men.