I have no strings on me.
She likes you. She is playing games because she thinks youre playing games. Be direct with her. Tell her you know her situation but you like her. Press her to spend time with you. Undress her with your look when you see her and smile without saying a word for about 10 seconds. Then watch her reaction. If she starts smiling back and becomes playful, then you can hit. Dont mention being blocked. Just come back in a circle but this time be more demanding and real off dominance but not too pushy. Stand your ground.
However understand the risks. She got a dude and dude sounds jealous. The cousin lie is weak. You dont know if dude is cool with her cousin.
Ask her out for coffee or just a brunch. Then, you can take a walk with her and feel her energy. It may not be a killshot on the first date though but at least you will see where she stands. If she gives off the energy that she wanna let you smack, play along and do it.
Best of luck bro
Going to have to disagree with this.. she has a man who already partly knows about him and don’t like him..
The only advice that should be given is to leave her the f alone lol..If he values his time he wouldn’t be pressing her to spend time with him..
Dude will probably encounter her BF sooner or later.