Nothing too crazy, went on a date, kissed all that bullshyt, went back to her spot (she has her own apartment) and she had 2 pittbulls waiting for at the door and they had that “I eat nikkas” vibe, went in the bedroom and shut the door to keep the dogs out. saw a american flag on the wall, which wasn’t too bad, got on the bed and started fukking around then I saw some of these in the corner
Like those signs you stick in the ground

and some more trump memorabilia .
I just felt uneasy man, I started thinking about if I just hit and quit this bytch she would accuse me of rape and ruin my life and shyt.
The dogs at the door, on top of the signs, on top of the other trump memorabilia, on top of the flag, and on top of the intrusive thoughts it was too much for a brother to handle so I told her I wasn’t feeling it, asked her to hold her dogs back and bounced

I got a long text from her this morning apologizing about how she was sorry her dogs made me feel uncomfortable but they are actually really sweet once they get to know you

like she thinks the dogs were the only problem.
90% of the white women at my school are those sorority yuppy republican bytches and I Just don’t see the point in pawging if this is what I’m going to be dealing with, I love white bytches but not enough to be sacrificing my peace of mind.