What do you love?
What are you passionate about?
What’s something you could spend hours arguing about?
Eating and sleeping. Maybe I’m depressed??
I love ball, but too old for pro, and I don’t really care for the stats and news like that. A lot of people do highlights and stuff on YouTube, so pretty much everything basketball related is already on YouTube and I don’t really care about anything as much as playing.
I used to love the gym, but got very lazy.
So kind of sad to say, I can’t think of anything to pursue.
But I realize maybe that’s what I’m missing from my life.
I feel worthless even going to college, working, etc. like I need to have something I’m looking forward to.
I look at life and think “that’s it?” I’m just gonna work 40+ years?
Then I think about doing more, but with how I am it’s hard for me to handle attention.
I think of purpose as a way of getting money from doing what you love, but most likely you have to be seen doing that said thing.
Which means you have to have and audience for whatever you have to show.
I feel too old for certain things and my mind is fukked up.
I’m trying to find something.