Approaching a new woman every day for a month, Days 21-25:
This was all in Las Vegas, so I was able to approach women left and right with relative ease. Women expect to be approached there, and if nothing else, they will at least be okay with a stranger chatting them up as long as they don't do or say anything that will scare them off.
I left San Diego really early to meet my family in Las Vegas. I wanted some mobility so I decided to bring my car there. I got to the Hard Rock Hotel at around noon, so I decided to wander around a little bit and see what was up with the local scene. I ended up at the lounge in the center area of the casino, where I started chatting up a couple of the girls there.
Travel Tip: If you're not doing anything on Thanksgiving, or Christmas, or basically any major family holiday, I recommend Las Vegas. There's actually a lot of people there that are really interesting to meet.
The girls that I met there were from the UK, they were really hawt and there was this little blonde that had a totally sweet ass.

I introduced myself and asked about their accents, so I played the "guess where I'm from" game with them and guessed right about their being from Ireland. They were really impressed by an American correctly guessing their accent. Can't say I didn't feel lucky for guessing their accent right.
We went gambling together at the blackjack table. Started with 40, left with 90. Not bad!
It turned out that they were staying a couple doors down from me and we decided to meet up later.
Later that day I ate at a Mexican restaurant that was on the strip, built right into the mall across the street from the Wynn. I charmed the waitress there, lightly joking around with her the whole time. She gave me her number! I was actually pretty impressed with this one because pretty waitresses in Las Vegas probably constantly have rich tyc00ns or Saudi princes constantly trying to hit on them.
Note: I met up with the Irish girls from before. I couldn't stop thinking about that ass on the blonde.

I made out with her, grabbing me a couple handfuls.
I was excited about Thanksgiving because I knew that everyone was going to be in a family way. I know that this is counter-intuitive, but hear me out: girls in Vegas that have to work on Thanksgiving are going to be
extra lonely because they see everyone else with
their families.
I didn't get much of a chance to try any approaches with anyone during the daytime because I was with my family the whole time, so I just walked around giving a girl (what I thought was) a slick smile as they passed me by. You know, that kind of smile like the two of you have an inside joke and that it's something that brings you closer together? I like to do this because it creates an instant rapport between you and the girl, it's a confidence builder when she smiles back, and if you run into her later in your day, you'll already have a little bit of comfort built up between the two of you.
Around dinnertime, however, there was a GOLDEN opportunity for an approach. This freaking sexy pair of girls were working as greeters at Craftsteak (excellent restaurant; pricey but highly recommended) and they were very stressed from the Holiday rush and the backlog from all of the customers coming in.
I asked one of them how long the wait would be. She said that it would be about 10-15 extra minutes, in a really irritated voice. Instead of recoiling or getting defensive, I smiled warmly and told her that everything sounded like it was going to be okay and that at the very least she doesn't have to worry about any grumbling about it from me. Just that I'd check back in. She immediately looked like she had a huge burden lifted off of her shoulders and thanked me.
I checked back in after 15 minutes (to show I was giving her as long as I could without looking neglectful) and she said it'd be another 10 minutes and that she was really sorry. I told her that I was find and that she didn't need to worry about it because the situation was totally understandable. She thanked me again, and I followed up with, "How about you? How are you doing?" She looked grateful for the question alone and said, "Better..!"
Once we ate and were leaving the restaurant, I saw that she had a stack of business cards on her podium. I asked if they were her personal business cards, which they were. So I told her, "Good, I'll give you a call tomorrow." She smiled and said she was off that day, so that I
better be calling her.
One of my favorite wingmen, my best childhood friend Erik came into Vegas to meet up with me as is our tradition this time of year. He likes to jump on the travel deals that I mentioned before. Like I said, Thanksgiving + Vegas =
We were also meeting up with a couple of girls that are from San Diego and had said they wanted to try some "candy" with us. We took a couple pieces of candy apiece and were feeling
really good within an hour. We went to Haze at first in the Aria (Amazing fukking venue, great space to be in) and then we went to Surrender later in the night. Walking into a club with hot girls is extremely helpful to your game because her presence around you will automatically increase your value by proxy. She'll see you with the hot chick and think to herself: Well, shyt. If he was able to earn her approval he
must be doing something right!
Some bachelorette party ended up finding us, so we were all over these girls. They were all of East Indian descent. A couple of "good girl" types, and a couple of girls that were trying really, really hard to get crazy. One was kinda chubby and I wasn't into her... but she was all aggressive on me. She was also really sloppy drunk and I just can't get on board with that. I'd feel ashamed if I did. Plus, it takes the thrill out of the hunt.
There's not much to really know about approaching a bachelorette party aside from not talking yourself right outta some girl's pants. Just keep your mouth shut, ask some open ended questions, or best yet, if you're a good dancer, just play to that. Again, though, they were a little too sloppy and I wasn't really feeling any of them.
I ended up calling the hostess from the night before to meet me and my buddy at a lounge later that night. She brought her friend and we ended up sleeping with them.
On another side note, cotdayum do I love lounges. Lounges are a place where you can casually smoke, drink, chat girls up, and the atmosphere lends itself to a sophisticated mindset. It's a perfect medium for anyone in their mid-20's onward.
I loved the way this one closed because it was my being a gentleman that impressed these girls more than anything. She introduced me as the guy that was, in her words, "Nice enough to make my night less stressful for once, unlike all the pretentious rich fukks that came through there." It reminded me of my days when I was working in that industry.
Imagine that. Being mannered and sophisticated getting me laid. Patience really does pay off.
This day was a little weird with its ups and downs, but hey.
We started out in a lounge in the Cosmopolitan, then went to Marquee briefly, then back to the lounge.
I decided to approach these two Asian girls that were taking pictures of themselves. They were grateful for the help so I decided to chat them up a little bit.
They were foreign born, which should have been the first red flag to me. They were having a hard time with communication and were seemingly more interested in things like school rather than partying. Don't get me wrong, I strongly value school and thanks to school, I've had more opportunities in terms of employment, relationships, and other things than I would have otherwise had. However, there is a time and a place to worry about different things, and I was looking to party and relieve stress before my finals.
Anyway, we tried to bring them up to a lounge called the Mandarin. It's a hidden gem in the Aria resort, so we thought it'd impress them.
They told us that they had boyfriends, that they were studying in South Dakota as exchange students, and that they thought that Las Vegas was exciting. YAWN. They weren't down and the conversation quickly dried up.
We parted ways (after paying our part of the bill for the drinks) and we went back down to the lounge that we had met them at.
When we got there, we saw this group of people from LA that looked like they were on vacation. Not being able to think of anything witty, I just went up to them and asked, "Can we sit here?" I made sure to approach the guy first to show respect to him and to get him to let his guard down. I then went on to introduce myself to the rest of the group and we hung out for the rest of the night. Didn't get laid then, but I actually had a great time talking to them. They were a cool group.
I was exhausted, but in order to keep pace with my promise here, on the way back to San Diego, I introduced and talked to this really hot single mom at the gas station. She kept staring at me, so I smiled and said, hi. I noticed that she had ski gear in her trunk, so I took the opportunity to ask her why she had ski equipment in the middle of the desert. We joked around about not cleaning out our cars at appropriate times an eventually she loosened up and started really talking to me.
She was interested eventually, at least it seemed like it, so I got her number. She lives in Orange County, though. Not sure if I wanna make that drive.