Also stop treating thesee women like they special! Just treat them like the homie and they will love you for it
Women HATE being placed on pedestals. I forget which poster said it, but he was basically talking about how women know they are trifling and scandalous and deep down they know they ain't worth being placed on a pedestal. So every time you do it to one, they automatically know you're someone that obviously has no experience with women, otherwise you would know that.
I treat chics like they are nothing but chics. Look at the way I worded that
A woman is JUST A WOLAN
Had a chic come to my job yesterday and she is someone I see from time to time and I know she is feeling ya boy
Came in the office and she playing hard to get. I started iggin her. She would ask me a question and I would just ignore her and keep doing what I'm doing. She would ask again and I would ignore her again. On the third time she asked, I finally pretended like I was just now hearing her and answered her question.
She was holding something in her hand, a sheet of paper, I grabbed it from her and she playfully hit my shoulder. I turned around and gave her a look and she went

"I'm sorry."
I shrugged it off, went back to what I was doing, and then like a min later, walked behind her and slapped her ass HARD
She jumped in the air, that was how hard I slapped her ass.
Then she turned around like

"don't do that again."
I said "or what?"
Then she was like, "you slapping my ass like I liked that or something...

But see, I just treated her like I would anybody else. You hit me I hit you back.
Now disclaimer: DO NOT go around randomly slapping women on the butt, brehs. You CANNOT do this to a woman that's not interested in you or you will get caught up in the #metoo movement talking about, "I was just doing what Neotheflyingone told me to do

And imma be like
I would never slap a woman on the butt unless I knew for sure I could get away with it
And if she touches me, that means I can touch her back
And yeah sone will start talking about "why did you do that

But as long as you keep your cool and composure, she will drop the act
But if she sees any weakness in you, she will try to ruin your life
Women don't respect weak men. In fact, they hate them.
But again, if you don't think you can pull this off successfully, then don't do it