How to build a roster
These are just some of the ways Ive seen other people build rosters some I use. Theres prolly more so feel free to chime in
The Recycler
To do this u need a gf already. Make sure ur gf is st the peak of her emotions for u. U can test that out by going ghost for 2 weeks and see how much she blows u up. Come back with an excuse like theres something tragic going in my life. Then when u come back fukk her like u never fukked her before, then dump her the next day thru phone/text.
Once u do this, make sure u end it off with "lets be friends". Since u went ghost to deal with ur issues and u guys broke up shell blame herself for the breakup and continue contact with u. After the breakup hit her up for sex like once a week and subtly bring up the idea of u two getting back together but u have this life issue going on that caused u to ghost in the first place.
Roster Spot #1
In the meantime u should have gotten a new girl before u planned on breaking up. She requires more maintenance than roster spot #1 (whom u only meet up w once a week). She requires more time and sex so she fills in where #1 doesnt come in. Shes
Roster Spot #2
Now u got one main girl and ur leading ur ex on. From there the confidence and relationship aura will naturally bring u more women. From there u can fill in
Roster Spot #3 and #4 to however many u can handle. Just look at ur schedule and figure out how u can juggle them. Remember, lower the maintenance better ur off.
This is one way to do it but mainly just break up with a girl and tell her u still wanna be friends while leading her on and having a new girl. I personally dont do this but I know dudes who do and
plenty of women do this "lets stay friends" bs. Im sort of a narcissist so i dont recycle exes cuz then they feel as if I need them so I go ghost after the breakup just to prove they werent shyt to me. Ask my exes if they ever heard of me again.
Success Rate: 90%
The Harem
I dont really have to go too in depth with this one. Its the one 90% of dudes do. Get a main girl and use the relationship aura to get more roster spots. Actively engage other girls. In ur mind u should be single. Set up ur schedule like the recycler where u can deal with these women once a week or 2-3x a week. If they start asking for more time just call them clingy and insecure and that it turns u off. That will mindfukk them into going by ur time. Now u have a day for each woman including ur main. Always give a fake name + google voice number to thse women, never pillow talk,and never bring them to ur crib or job. And make sure ur main is satisfied since thats ur cash cow.
Success Rate:75%
The Player
Most dudes are NOT able to do this. If u cant do this dont put urself down cuz most men dont have the balls or persistence to do this. U have to be actively approaching women in all situations and build up 3-4 girls at all times and continuously switching them out. This method is grueling and takes alot of effort. Its a numbers game. Atleast in this stage ur single and ur not cheating on someone for moral reasons however it requires way more effort. The moral of this one is to cold approach everywhere and talk to multiple females.
If ur gonna do this u need to love the game of chasing more than u love the p*ssy.If ur too lazy to chase then just do
The Recycler or
The Harem. U need discipline and dikk control for this and be willing to cut off a chick at any moment.
Success Rate: 50%
The Social Circle
This one is fluid as to where u can be like
The Player and use ur reputation to get women. If ur on campus and ur in a frat, play sports u will automatically have women come up to u for status. If ur a party promoter or DJ u also have status to where women will be actively drawn to u. Maybe a local soundcloud rapper. This requires little effort.
U can also have friends and family introduce u to a girl but i personally dont like that. If u have a friend group of male and females then if u go after the females u can look like a creep. I dont recommend this
If ur out of school and dont go out much another way is to get a good looking female friend with other good looking female friends. Have her friendzone u, while subtly letting her know u are still attractive to other women. So say for instance, u two are hanging out at a bar. Hit on other women infront of her and bring up to her which women she thinks are cute. This lets her know while yes we are friends, i still have a dikk. Now she should introduce u to her female friends who see u do the same thing. If u approach other females infront of them too they will start to find u attractive. From there u can use them as wingmen (good looking women wingmen give off the same aura as relationship aura so u will PULL more than normal) or u can make ur way thru the whole friend group and fukk em all. If u fukk them all be prepared for the fallout between them and drama.
U can also simply build a social circle that attracts women doing a hobby that has a lot of women. If u like bike riding or the out doors then do meet ups and make friends. This will attract like minded women whom u can relate to. I like the gym so when I go there ive had women try to catch my attention. If ur a hipster hang out at hipster spots. If ur a painter go to art galleries.Make sure its somethint u actually like to do as women will see the passion and be drawn to it.
Success Rate:75%
The Scavenger
This one requires the most

to pull off.These are the guys who fukk heartbroken women straight out of relationships or co workers. These are the guys that go to AA meetings with a fake story and pick up on damaged women. These are the guys who search for married or taken women with one foot out the relationship already.These are the guys who fukk fat chicks and low self esteem chicks/ 4s and 5s. These are the guys who dumpster dive on POF and Tinder .This is a good stepping stone to
The Player or
The Harem if u need a good boost. One of the easiest and quickest ways to get p*ssy. Warning: Alot of the p*ssy will be low quality. But if ur a guy w no experience i suggest doing this first to level up until uve hit the gym/got ur finances/game up.
Success Rate:90%
These are just
some of the ways I have personally used and seen other people used. There are prolly more but these are the most common ones. Find ur niche
Now ball hard fellas