Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

The Message

Lex with tv sets the minimum
Jun 19, 2012
What do y’all usually do with girls who don’t drink? I met one on 4th of July and my go-to is usually to invite them somewhere for a drink. FWIW she owns a software company.
i usually go with a coffee shop in a trendy part of town. dim lighting, soft music, couches. shyt is almost the same vibe as a bar. lol i dont drink coffee, but i'll grab tea or a smoothie. usually the chick will grab a frappachino or a scone whatever. if youre feelin her, you can take her for a little stroll around town afterwards.

sometimes i'll go to a bakery. i dont know any chick who doesnt like sweets.

what used to be my go-to was meeting them at the riverwalk downtown right after dusk. totally free and romantic to walk around and watch the sunset and soak up the fly ass ambiance.

since its summer, theres a bunch of free shyt to do...jazz fests, art fairs, african world festivals


Oct 9, 2012
all the puss in the world and you let yourself be caught up with a married woman. You might not be dumb but that def was lets not kid ourselves
The one thing I learned being cheated on and being the side dude is women value good sex over everything. Career, finances, family. Its almost like they become ruthless about getting a nut.


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
famo....speaking with conviction and intense eye contact...

dudes who are new to this shyt...if you mastered just those two things'd be shocked how far it could take you :wow:

Intense.Eye.Contact. This nikka said it. Don't take intense to mean some weird Hannibal Lecter through the prison glass stare, but intense eye contact before i even approach them, for example when our gaze catches when walking down the street, when in the supermarket aisle, standing on the train station platform, seated on the bus anywhere nikka and i cannot remember the last time i held an L. 90% of the time you have got her already after that and its only being weird or saying something stupid when you do approach her that loses it for you.


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
what do you even say in cold approach

nikka anything man, if you not sure begin by saying hello and ask her name. You will soon get more confident to literally just saying that comes to mind on the fly. After some intense eye contact with girl on the train led to her all playing with her hair and glancing over at me every so often i walked up and said

'hi, sorry but can i ask you, do you think its weird if a random person tells you how good looking they think you are?'

She laughed a little but smiled a hell of alot and then she said na actually its really sweet

and then i said 'alright kl cause this happened to me just earlier with some girl i didnt know how to react, i dunnoe when i saw you i just thought id ask you'

She was :dead::dead::dead::dead: lool.

The thing is i knew i had her interest from the stare i gave her and how she reacted to it so i wasnt worried about what to say, as long as you dont say something extremely creepy or act weird or shy then your gonna be kl. I walked up to her with nothing to say and i thought tell her shes pretty then i was like na that just random might come off weird and then i was right infront of her so i said literally just exactly what i was thinking at the time.


Manchester United/Atletico Madrid
Jan 28, 2013
telling a chick...hey ur cute, what's good? that's okay but it puts a lotta them on the defensive and theyve heard that shyt a million times. BUT...that can work cuz like breh said...nikkas don't approach no more.

but for the daytime, i compliment them about something thats unique to them...

if she has a sexy, confident walk, ill say something about that in a funny, teasing way. this one broad was strutting so hard, I stopped her and told her she looked like she was in a revlon commercial. she fukkin loved that shyt.

then I follow up with something like..."i was curious to see if ur as interesting as you look". i flirt and tease hard, but thats just my style

then from there i just keep it basic...heavy flirting mixed with small talk.

dont ask questions. make statements about what you notice about them. girls love to talk about themselves. instead of "what do you do for work?" say..."you look like ur a personal trainer" "you got a stylish vibe, you must work in fashion". shyt like that. keep it lighthearted and fun and if she's feelin you, shell take the reigns and wont be able to shut her mouth up lol

at the club tho...dumb all that shyt down. approach super bold, loud, super flirty and heavy on the physicality. and try to bring her home the same night.

your whole game should be centered around... bytch im better than you lol. yeah you're cute...but what else you got to offer? my shyt is flirty & sarcastic. like in 4th grade...i like the girl but i throw sand in her face and steal her milk. lol

over time youll develop ur own style.

couple key points:
it really doesnt matter how you open, as long as you get her attention
step to that bytch HARD! :mjlit:
strong sexual eye contact :shaq: NOT :demonic:
bold vocal tone
slick smile :steviej:mixed with:smugbiden:
lead the convo in your direction
and always ask yourself, does she know I have a dikk? flirt with the broad!! :mjgrin:

don't be talking about the weather for ten minutes with the broad. you saw her and want to fukk her....always be escalating your convo towards that purpose.

Ayo my nikka they wont let me rep you, you fully just gave nikkas the keys