you can't help someone that doesnt want to be help. some people you gotta let life teach them. she needs someone to show her proper guidance and structure. Unless you're down to be her man, she won't follow your advice and won't respect you. I,m sure you love your godson but at the end of the day, it's not your kid...let her be the type of parent she wants to be and if she asks for your help, always set the terms underwhich you will help her and she can either bow down or godson was sent to live his dad who sees him like once a month becasue her dumb azz didn't want to pay daycare
the point of me wasting my time to get a job for this demon was so my godson would have a roof over his head and she does this,
you can't help someone that doesnt want to be help. some people you gotta let life teach them. she needs someone to show her proper guidance and structure. Unless you're down to be her man, she won't follow your advice and won't respect you. I,m sure you love your godson but at the end of the day, it's not your kid...let her be the type of parent she wants to be and if she asks for your help, always set the terms underwhich you will help her and she can either bow down or step.
Yo I just hit up that chick I was just talking about saying "so do I have to wait until the concert to see you?"...she responds no, what does your schedule look like. I tell her and then she says I would say today, but I already have plans with family (which I already have a date later anyway) so she says what about tomorrow. I tell her sure, I give her the time and tell her I will text her with the spot later today or tomorrow.
the chance your taking is if you dont walk the fine line correctly, you'll be looked at as clingy...
how will I look as clingy, I got her number on monday, Ive hit her up twice....thats not clingy
{lets say}If you agree to a date sunday,and your trying to see her wednesday,she will already start thinking subconsciously that your thirst and you have no other options..
which will give her fuel to think your clingy just because...
Can it work for you???Yes if that plays to who you are
ok, im confused, I asked her did I have to wait until the concert to see her. She replied no, whats your schedule this week. I tell her mines...she tells me hers. She then says well I would do today with you but i already have plans, which I replied yeah today wouldnt work either for me. She says what about tomorrow. I said sure then i give her the time and then tell her I will text her later with the spot. I dont see how I come off clingy
Me personally,I would have waited....
Simply because if the the verbal game is tight,she would have been making the move to see you first anyway...
The point im making is to create situations where she initiates interest first