What we worship rules over us, so what women worship rules over them tooI like this post. Hard to argue with your statement, but on the flip-side I could also see the poster, you were responding to, point of view.
I guess my response would be....what generational curse did the mom have to attract such a monster in her life - what was the makeup of her "energy" for lack of a better word?
Also, this guy didn't just transform into a demon in human form, he was already one when she started dating him (in my opinion). Did she not see the signs? Was she a drug addict herself? She allowed this monster into her home and, to me, deserves almost as much blame for the horrific deaths of those children - for not having discernment.
You could say I'm victim-shaming, just my humble opinion.
I know a woman who literally only dates inmates who are just leaving prison(she wants to fix them like pit bull rescue)
The old myth of ares and Aphrodite still applies today (beauty seeks war)