Drake's ghostwriters were probably chattering in the tents eating stale cheetos like " This dude moves like he's aware of these surroundings, maybe he didn't just sell to white rich kids in the suburbs. Run that Vlad interview back, did they say he moved around in BX? I didn't hear that part, we better tell Drake. I think he has more than Adidon & blackface. Oh no, he's going to attack full on. This is going to be a long night,boys. No more cheeto's, we will have to preserve our energy with this old overstock of clear pepsi. The taste is

but you get use to it.

Kanye doesn't even need to say anything, Pusha is the driver & the hitman all in one. Got his hand out the spyder & about to shoot Drake in pressure points of the body. Won't get out of the car until he's crawling. Scare the ghostwriters with the carnage just from the attack.

Roll down the window "He's going to need a doctor" zoom away. Everybody just freaking out "oh my god, he didn't just say that? why would he say that?! Drake, what do we do?!!? What do you need a doctor for? Are you dying? What line was the hemorage wound? I need to put my kids through college, I only make 2 toronto bus passes & 1 pair of ovo sneakers a year. Please say you are in good health, you have been drinking too much of that rat piss whiskey you endorsed & invested in. Drake, you told us you were a scorpion. You are whimpering & not saying anything.
