Brehs... i'm scared for Drake to come back...but only because I know Pusha's response is gonna be fukking DEMONIC. And i've never even been comfortable with Drake as an artist. As a member of the light skin delegation, he's always juxtaposed great taste making music with some of the most passive aggressive, low key, petty women shading bars ever.
I've wanted someone to come at this neck, but daaaaaaaamn. He's gonna come at Push and it might even be dope. It might BE a comeback blow...somehow.
But then Push is gonna respond. I'm excited, but I have the curse of empathy. Poor Drake. I love that it had to be you.
I've wanted someone to come at this neck, but daaaaaaaamn. He's gonna come at Push and it might even be dope. It might BE a comeback blow...somehow.
But then Push is gonna respond. I'm excited, but I have the curse of empathy. Poor Drake. I love that it had to be you.