Where was this kind of talk during “stay scheming”, or “sicko mode”
Ask the artists? The only problem with this shyt is when the artists whose records you jump on have a problem with it. If they don't then fukk it, but Thugga clearly does care here. So Push needs to make that shyt right.
You keep doing artists like that and nobody will fwu. End of story.
Don’t make no sense.. so it’s not “cool” to diss people on features? So drake shoulda never went at common on stay scheming
Yall nikkas aint listening... You can diss on a feature all you want as long as the other artists okay the shyt.
If they don't then you outta pocket.
When I come to your house Ill put my feet up on your coffee table if you tell me its cool. But if I walk into your joint and just kick up my feet all in-discriminant then I better not act shocked when you square up and Charlie Murphy my legs.
Not sure why nikkas acting like they don't understand this shyt. Its basic asf.