@Pull up the Roots , lets look at the origin of your Progressive ideologies

Mandarin Duck

Majestic and Highfalutin
Dec 27, 2012
Y'all should set up a recorded debate.

No name calling, no running when presented with facts.
Sep 15, 2015
Y'all should set up a recorded debate.

No name calling, no running when presented with facts.
He doesn't know how to argue without being intellectually dishonest, engaging in logical fallacy or just outright lying. He only made this thread to deflect from another one. He already ignored my post in this one shutting down his disingenuous bullshyt. He ignored it a few weeks ago too when he tried to do the same thing. He's just posting shyt from Wikipedia as if it has any bearing on today trying to avoid supporting his claim that the "transatlantic slave trade was a myth" in another thread.

Wow. I addressed your misrepresentation of history with facts and refuted your assertion by highlighting the ideological realignment of the parties and who represents what today. You suffer under the self-delusion that things haven't changed (because it's more convenient to your regressive beliefs), which explains your "I would support Republicans" declaration. Everything you're pretending to oppose today happened before party realignment and is now present TODAY in the Republican Party, which you said you would support. You're acting nonchalant, but the spamming emotes give it away that you are shook. You're doing this to distract from the fact that you have no real argument outside of conspiracies and misrepresentation of documented history.

As far as the theory of evolution, it is just a scientific framework on how species evolved. It doesn't say anything about one race being superior to another. The theory and its misuse by racists (like eugenicists) is completely separate from any political party affiliation. In the past, racist ideologies were adopted by individuals across political lines, not just Democrats. People from both parties - Democrats, Republicans, and so on - have historically supported racist policies, including those based on misinterpretations and pseudoscience. So linking Darwinism to one political party is both misleading and historically inaccurate. Besides, we are living in a post-party realignment society where those beliefs are rejected by Democrats and espoused by individuals in the Republican Party. So, if you're going to blame Darwinism for racism, you should take a hard look at who is actually promoting that kind of rhetoric NOW.

Also, remember, you said this: "if I had a choice, I´ll choose the Republicans"

You know you can't support your Transatlantic Slave Trade claims, which is why you tried to move the goalposts, before conveniently dropping the argument all together.

No it was not. If that were the point, you wouldn't have started your post with this: "I have no idea why Black people always side with Democrats"

- This reads as you trying to use the party's historical past to make a point about present-day politics.

And you wouldn't have ended the post by saying this: "but if I had a choice, I´ll choose the Republicans"

- This solidifies the misleading historical narrative to justify a modern preference. All you're doing is weaponizing historical facts to paint the modern party in a negative light while ignoring the significant ideological shifts that have taken place.

I don't know why you keep lying about easily verifiable facts. This is annoying now. I've thoroughly addressed your argument multiple times already. It's not my fault your ego won't let you comprehend this. I don't know why you're still throwing out lists of historical grievances while ignoring the clear realignment of party ideologies and refusing to acknowledge our current political reality.

If you're going to criticize historical Democrats for racism (something I support), be consistent and address how today's GOP embodies those same racist ideologies. Until then, your arguments are nothing more than selective outrage dressed up as historical insight. Your entire outlook is based on a selective and outdated interpretation of history.

"- Mentioned Darwin's relative creating Eugenics and Woodrow Wilson the Democrat cosigning it and signing laws to support it"
"- Mentioned Hitler using Andrew Jackson the Democrat and his genocide/removal of the Native Americans as inspiration for the Holocaust"

Yes, Democrats have historically supported and upheld racist policies. There is no one ignoring that truth, let alone denying it. But what you're ignoring is the party realignment that took place in the middle of the 20th century. Southern Democrats that supported segregation shifted to the Republican Party after the Civil Rights Movement. They now make up the modern day Republican party. I don't know why you keep playing dumb by acting like the parties are frozen in time, when today, the GOP is the one promoting voter suppression, opposing social programs, and embracing white nationalist rhetoric and policy. Did you miss the back bone of Trump's agenda being the fight against anti-white racism? History didn't stop in 1865 or 1965. You understand that, right?

Your bringing up Hitler using Andrew Jackson as inspiration only highlights how Andrew Jackson's actions were abhorrent. It doesn't prove anything else, nor does it erase the fact that today's GOP aligns itself with Jackson's legacy (your boy Trump even celebrated him). Blaming modern Democrats for Jackson's policies while ignoring today's GOP admiration for him is selective outrage.

Yes, Wilson supported segregation and elements of eugenics, which, again, is abhorrent. But eugenics had supporters across political lines, including Republicans. Further, linking Wilson's views to today's Democrats while ignoring GOP figures like Tucker Carlson, Trump, Elise Stefanik, Stephen Miller, and so on, who promote white replacement theory, among other more racist and odious theories, is hypocritical. You know we live in 2024, right?

"- Mentioned Joe Biden having a KKK grand wizard as his mentor"
"- Mentioned KKK having it's roots in the Democratic Party"

As for Biden and Byrd, I wanna be clear: I'm not going to excuse either of them. Byrd's past with the KKK is reprehensible, and while he later expressed regret and worked to make amends, that still doesn't erase the harm he caused. Biden's association with Byrd, even if it was political, should still be criticized; it's worth criticizing. I'm not going to excuse it, and I'm not interested in defending either of them on that point. However, modern Republicans consistently align themselves with white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, white Christian nationalists, and every other hate group out there, not only to oppose civil rights, but to push voter suppression laws, suppress the teaching of Black history, roll back policies and eliminate programs aimed at addressing systemic racism, and so on. If your goal is to highlight past Democratic party racism, I'm with you, but you're obviously just weaponizing it.

We can't ignore how today's GOP carries on those same harmful legacies. Again, you said you would support them in the context of *today.*

This is true in the context of history, but it's irrelevant today. Again, after the Civil Rights Act, the KKK aligned with the Republican Party. Your attempt to tie modern Democrats to the KKK ignores this shift and the fact that white supremacists overwhelmingly support the GOP now. The party you said you'd support *today.*

"- Mentioned Melville J. Herskovits being the progenitor of the "Out of Africa" theory"

Herskovits was an anthropologist, not some mastermind. Even if he played a role in popularizing certain ideas, that doesn't negate the well-documented history of the slave trade or justify framing it as a myth, unless you have some evidence to support that claim. Do you? I suspect you don't, given that you keep failing to present any.

Wash, rinse, repeat :dead: