I've always wanted to hit a Rican chick.I spent most of my life on the west coast.Mainly LA, Diego, and Arizona.Hardly ever crossed paths with Ricans.Only once when my family lived in Diego.At that time, we lived on the same block as a Rican family..Their house was like a family compound.No elder men around, tho.Just the grandma (who looked about 80-90 yrs old), the mom, and her 4 children.Two girls & two boys.The boys were Carlos & Junior.The girls were Rosa & Sonia.They were actually young adults.Carlos was 23, Rosa 21, Sonia 18, and Junior 17.Anyways...Rosa was

.She'd flirt with me all the time, to.Problem was, I was only 12.She'd always tell my mom "He's so handsome!You're going to have problems when he gets older!"...Lil innuendos & shyt like that.I had the biggest crush on her, man.She was like Fly Girl Jennifer Lopez.Thick & Curvy.Dark hair that she wore in a short, bob like cut.Every time I'd see her, she'd start smiling ear to ear "Hey lil sexy".Just very blunt & bubbly all the time.I remember wanting to ask my mom if I could spend a night at their house.Even at the ripe old age of a 12, I felt like if I could get her alone, she'd possibly break me off a lil sum'n sum'n.Never happened, tho.We shortly moved from that neighborhood.The buzz never died inside me, tho.I've been wanting to try a Rosa ever since, cotdamnit!

...So yeah..Make mines Rican