[PS4 | PC] Aragami:Out of the Shadows:Out Now; Reviews posted.


The Prince of All Posters
Apr 30, 2012
LWO/Brady Bunch/#Midnightboyz
Impression from a guy who played the beta:

played the beta and I like this game, a lot

first of all, I do not think it really plays like tenchu, Aragami is it's very own thing with a unique feel. Mostly because of the core gameplay ability that lets you teleport to any shadow near you, called shadow leap. you cannot run, you cannot jump, you cannot fight. you need to move in the shadows and teleport from shadow to shadow all the time and strike from the shadows. you need to do that because you are very vulnerable, not only can't you fight but enemies one-hit you. sure you can escape, but usually it's done after you are spotted and you lose a lot of progress. So you need to be 100% aware of your surroundings at all time. I would also like to mention that I actually expected to play this with a pad, but because of the constant precise shadow leaping you need to do I switched to mouse after 30 seconds.

Shadow leap is a very powerful ability, similar to blink in dishonored and we all know how this broke the game. so I thought Aragami might be very easy, but I was wrong. especially in the beginning the game can be quite hard. The first mission after the tutorial took me 6 tries until I gave up, in the beginning you can't move bodies or anything and if other guards find them it's an instant alarm. so I gave up and ghosted through the level, but that's not really that easy either because there are not shadows everywhere. and although you get the ability to create temporary shadows yourself, this costs a lot of energy (which fills up when you are in a shadow) and you can't do it in areas where there are lights.
I really feel this is balanced well, guard placement and level design work and it's fun and challenging.

The levels are quite big and open and I am very glad exploration is rewarded, because killing guards only gives you points for the score. to actually improve your character you need to find scrolls that are hidden in the level. I really like that decision because I love exploration and otherwise just ghosting the game would be to inviting.
The first ability I unlocked was of course the skill to let bodies disappear. so I could finally play the game how I love to play stealth games, to empty the whole level of enemies.
new enemies are introduced in later levels, the archers who can see into the shadows to spice the gameplay up a bit, which is of course very welcome. the abilities you can unlock look like a lot of fun as well.

If I had to describe the game I'd say it's a mix between thief (because you need to stay in the shadows constantly), dishonored (blink/shadow leap) and tenchu. My three personal favorite stealth games, so I'm pretty sure I'll like this game a lot.

If I may add some suggestions, since this is a beta:
- I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have an ability that tells you where all the scrolls are, although I wanted it immediately I realized that it lets you ignore certain areas of a level immediately if there are no scrolls or objectives in the area and that's not good/motivating for exploration.
- Shadow kill should be really loud and attract a lot of attention, it's a good thing that the more powerful abilities are so limited and shadow kill letting you get power for them is a good idea, but it must come at a price.
- the bell to distract enemies should let you let them lure a bit further away. It might make the game easier but I feel the way it is now you have little possibilities to play around with the AI, and that's something that is a lot of fun in a stealth game in my opinion. I haven't unlocked the decoy, yet so this one might be more powerful.

and a small question, how does the enemy marking with the raven work? I didn't manage to pull it off.

either way, day 1 for me, it's a very good stealth game, and I am picky when it comes to those.


The Prince of All Posters
Apr 30, 2012
LWO/Brady Bunch/#Midnightboyz

IGN NL - 7/10
On the one hand, Aragami possesses the most interesting new tricks of its modern competitors, but at the same time it comes with relentless challenges up that had been frustrated in the 90s.

Push Square - 7/10
The patient, cunning mindset Aragami puts you in with its strictly stealth gameplay is something we long for with more titles. With simple yet smart level design and mechanics, it proves to be a focused title with heart and soul that has learned much from its old masters. But the game does lack polish in its performance and appearance, and the AI can be irritating at times. Fortunately, the release's story, visuals, and sound design ultimately help lift it out of the darkness.

God is a Geek - 9/10
The liquidity and grace of Aragami's move-set combined with the clever level design really make this a superb stealth game.

Start Replay - 8/10
Aragami took me by surprise. Its eye-catching art style and simple in-depth gameplay results in one of the best stealth titles I've played. If you want to play as a cool-ass ninja assassin, I highly recommend you pick this up.

The Sixth Axis - 6/10
Everything about the game shows a love for the stealth genre and the games that made the genre so great. Unfortunately, it isn't until you get up close and start to play the game that you also see all the cracks. Aragami has a lot going for it, but it also has a lot going against it, and those issues keep a good game from being a great game.

Seems decent, might cop today depending on price.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012

IGN NL - 7/10
On the one hand, Aragami possesses the most interesting new tricks of its modern competitors, but at the same time it comes with relentless challenges up that had been frustrated in the 90s.

Push Square - 7/10
The patient, cunning mindset Aragami puts you in with its strictly stealth gameplay is something we long for with more titles. With simple yet smart level design and mechanics, it proves to be a focused title with heart and soul that has learned much from its old masters. But the game does lack polish in its performance and appearance, and the AI can be irritating at times. Fortunately, the release's story, visuals, and sound design ultimately help lift it out of the darkness.

God is a Geek - 9/10
The liquidity and grace of Aragami's move-set combined with the clever level design really make this a superb stealth game.

Start Replay - 8/10
Aragami took me by surprise. Its eye-catching art style and simple in-depth gameplay results in one of the best stealth titles I've played. If you want to play as a cool-ass ninja assassin, I highly recommend you pick this up.

The Sixth Axis - 6/10
Everything about the game shows a love for the stealth genre and the games that made the genre so great. Unfortunately, it isn't until you get up close and start to play the game that you also see all the cracks. Aragami has a lot going for it, but it also has a lot going against it, and those issues keep a good game from being a great game.

Seems decent, might cop today depending on price.
Sounds like people are giving it lower scores because it's difficult


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
If I remember correctly, the designer was on NeoGAF talking about the game a lot.

You can only walk, no jump or sprint.

I was like :patrice:

You can't come at Tenchu:Wraith Of Heaven halfassed:patrice:


Bay Bay
Apr 7, 2015
I would cop but there's so much piff either coming or just came out :bryan: