Rebel Soldier
He’s good
I kinda like it. It's obviously a prototype so the final version will be much sleeker in design. It's cool with me.
maybe im weird but i kinda like this idea
Well damn... I wouldnt be mad if this was real
Same design basically but with a touchpad in the middle
That shyt looks like a fake ass family dollar bargain controller. No way in hell Sony makes this.
PS4 reveal coming faster than we can anticipate!
At the bottom between the analog sticks look like a headphone jack. The top looks like a strip for PSeye or maybe its leap motion to work withe new PSeye Dual HD cameras. Touch Pad like the back of Vita and probably other shyt Looks expensive and this is just a prototype. If you haven't seen Leapmotion its pretty bad ass.
Introducing the Leap Motion - YouTube