Real nikkas Only Wash They Ass On Thursdays
Monday at 6 works for me... I get off work at 5, so lets say 6:30-6:45 ish. We got a lot of snow poppin out here. That'll give me time to get home and get studying all day today for 2 tests monday/tuesday
he said he was gonna be out watching the game, so playing on my brother game is out of the question unless something changes
@GetYaWeigtUp my best bet is using the apartment complex clubroom monday evening around 6ET
Monday at 6 works for me... I get off work at 5, so lets say 6:30-6:45 ish. We got a lot of snow poppin out here. That'll give me time to get home and get settled.
I'll try and get home ASAP then...its gonna be a tight squeeze the club house closes at 7pm ET
im gonna talk to them ahead of time though so maybe i get extra time just in case so be ready
Super Bowl on today and y'all tryna advance?
And y'all better be cheering for the Ravens
ANY College Football > NFL
I'll try and get home ASAP then...
If you can run tonite after the game I'm free tonite as well...
@Rekkapryde what will we do if mms Internet remain unfixed for his game with weigt and myself surely you won't sim those games too
I say he be placed on autopilot until he can acquire a suitable and solid connection :smugmiles:
@Rekkapryde you never answered this :hanes: