remember when adam more was that nugga? dude is flabby and sick with 27td and 27 ints, scroll down a little and you see a true freshman matt martin with 22 tds
You remember when you won a user game? Yeah me neither...
remember when adam more was that nugga? dude is flabby and sick with 27td and 27 ints, scroll down a little and you see a true freshman matt martin with 22 tds
. Rich has at least played some user games.
remember when adam more was that nugga? dude is flabby and sick with 27td and 27 ints, scroll down a little and you see a true freshman matt martin with 22 tds
Dont even respond to that insignificant impertinent idle headed barnacle, he won one user game and thinks his puny team matters.:smug:Stop worrying about what Adam Moore is doingAdam only has the NCAA record for most touchdown passes in a season, career, most yards in a season, most completions for a career. The only record Adam Moore is missing is career passing yards which will be surpassed this season
To top it off Mr. Moore has 2 National Chanpionships and on the verge of winning his 3rd
You really think he's worried about a True Freshman QB who has accomplished Jack shyt?
Let me know when your True Freshman stud throws 69 touchdowns in a season like Adam did his freshman year![]()
Man, yall bout to get it next year, lookin' at my roster for next year, I got the next Johnny Football sittin' in the cut and I just realized I got him for 3 years after this.
Man, yall bout to get it next year, lookin' at my roster for next year, I got the next Johnny Football sittin' in the cut and I just realized I got him for 3 years after this.
I can't wait to get you in Death Valley next year...enjoy your meaningless victory:smug:.
For now.:welcome:
He'll be ready for Death Valley, he gonna be styling on yall with moves like Jagger![]()