Can you play MLB The Show 12?
When did it drop? Any game that came out during the Jailbreak era was playable.
Anything from OFW 3.55 and before can eat. Even alot of games after.
This one site I go to has me confused, somebody uploaded all the latest games but you can't play them.Last big game I remember was UC3.
I still check for PSN games every now and then though.
to play all newest games you have to be on 3.55 and have a dongle called true blue or other clones (this shyt of course cost additional money )
however if u still on 3.55 u can play a few games without this fukkin dongle like uncharted 3, ninja gaiden 3, final fantasy xiii-2
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How much is the dongle.
Mines Jailbroken, if anyone wants some info lemme know
Problems, issues, best place to go?
Did you do it when 3.55 firmware was the current fw or did you jailbreak later?