Bond's gun spoke once....
i miss the DDT every dude does it and it has no effect.....word to Jake Roberts and Raven.....
Seeing Ultimate Warrior kick out of the Hogan leg drop was insane. .
makes it more insane is that you imagined it.....because it never happened.... hogan went for the leg drop and UW moved out of the way and splashed him.... the first person to kick out of the Hogan leg drop was Sid at WM 8 because Papa Shango botched when he was supposed to run in actually lol
Yeah plus a lot of times if its not the finish they'll have the guy "fall out of the ring" instead. And even commentary will help protect it when a guy kicks out by throwing in the old line "I don't think he got all of it on that one."Just when the feud is long/important enough to merit an "epic" false finish match.
Of the main event guys, Punk is the one who does it best. Very few people have kicked out of the GTS and when they have, it's been on a big time match.
I always thought the Togan Death Grip was an underrated submission that somebody should be using right now.Tongan death grip
You mean like comacho, Tongas son?I always thought the Togan Death Grip was an underrated submission that somebody should be using right now.
No I mean like someone that's gonna be actually pushed ... what the hell happed to Comacho?You mean like comacho, Tongas son?
Idk?No I mean like someone that's gonna be actually pushed ... what the hell happed to Comacho?
Hmm truewhen had anybody really kicked out of the killswitch/unprettier? seriously, almost NOBODY kicks out of that, i dont even remember the last time someone has, and all bs aside, thats a LEGIT finisher, it looks like itd kill someone, and i guess im kinda old school in the sense that i like a finisher that any guy no matter their size can do their finisher on anyone else no matter the size, thats y the stunner was great, and sweet chin music is great, can hit it on anybody and from out of nowhere
Good thread. The point at which I realised that finishers weren't protected is when Rock had to do 3 Rock Bottoms to beat Austin. Don't get me wrong, they did it the right way as far as displaying that Rock had to give his all to put Austin away but to me, finishers should always be that move that take guys out near enough every time the first time around.