I've been getting a lot of calls from real estate agents. First they were calling my VOIP, but recently they've been calling my cell phone, which I don't dig at all. A random automated telemarketer calling me is bad enough, but these are live real estate agents who know my name, and both my phone numbers. That should be illegal.
Btw, my home is listed higher on Realtor than on Zillow, unlike a lot of people I guess. I thought about selling, and moving back up to the DMV in my old home, where I didn't need a car, and where I was surrounded by Black people. Then I remembered how violent that area was, plus my old home went up as much as my house down here. But the saddest thing is, I lost loved ones who use to constantly visit me in my old home. So there would be no more backyard cookouts, and no more fight parties. Plus all my buddies up there are either in poor physical health, or poor mental health, or both. But I digress.