All these Jew-hating/Federal Reserve banking conspiracy dudes unknowingly stan white supremacists. All that stuff has its origins in paleoconservative Anglo-supremacist circles. It's sad to see young black men parroting the racist of Eustace Mullins, the Nazis, the John Birch Society, the Catholic Church, and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.The white guy in that section of the video is a prominent white supremacist as well.
So by all means co-sign him.
All these Jew-hating/Federal Reserve banking conspiracy dudes unknowingly stan white supremacists. All that stuff has its origins in paleoconservative Anglo-supremacist circles. It's sad to see young black men parroting the racist of Eustace Mullins, the Nazis, the John Birch Society, the Catholic Church, and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
just like there aren't enough jews on wall street and federal reserve to steal and dominate itLol @ this pseudo-historical nonsense.
There were never enough Jews in the new world or Europe to dominate the Atlantic slave trade like this man is describing.
Can we get some links to this guy's white supremacist bullshyt so people can see with whom they place their faith?
All these Jew-hating/Federal Reserve banking conspiracy dudes unknowingly stan white supremacists. All that stuff has its origins in paleoconservative Anglo-supremacist circles. It's sad to see young black men parroting the racist of Eustace Mullins, the Nazis, the John Birch Society, the Catholic Church, and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
I'm not stupid enough to dismiss the message entirely because of the messenger. White people in general have a deep rooted history of fukkery. It's just that simple. And I'm not going to let that negate the theme of my thread.
Africans role in the slave trade is another topic I'm going to cover but I was simply pointing out the Jewish influence which never gets pointed out on a mainstream level.
THE HOLOCAUST DIDN'T HAPPEN, BROTHER! IT'S OBVIOUSLY A LIE MADE UP BY THE KHAZARS, DUDE!Does the Jewish presence in the slave trade justify the Holocaust (that's really the thought that's hiding behind this thread and the posters key boards).
YOU COULD DISCOURAGE THE BOARD FROM BEING A PLATFORM FOR HATEFUL CONSPIRACY THEORIES THROUGH MODERATION, BUT YOU SEEM TO THINK EVEN HITLER SHOULD BE ABLE TO USE THE COLI TO ATTRACT FOLLOWERS, BROTHER!and now anyone who manages to read through the 3-4 pages of BS forum biotching can arrive at the last page and clearly see that the video has ulterior motives and is racist.
Sadly there are people who do believe this. They however tend to ignore facts, however; having run across more than a few people in my life who genuinely believe this it was good to have some experience in debating the topic so as not to get caught off guard.THE HOLOCAUST DIDN'T HAPPEN, BROTHER! IT'S OBVIOUSLY A LIE MADE UP BY THE KHAZARS, DUDE!
You are correct brother, the purpose of allowing people the opportunity to debunk these types of claims is not for the hateful, as you said they are typically set down a road that they wont be coming back from based on the musings of someone on a forum they were most likely trying to troll. The purpose of allowing the opporunity to debunk these types of arguments is for the benefit of people who read the thread and don't know any better AND are genuinely trying to find information regarding a topic. As the coli is indexed on google and other such places it's possible for someone to reach this thread, see the video and then see the points that kill such arguments THAT is spreading knowledge.THE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BELIEVE HIS ARGUMENT AREN'T GOING TO TRUST (OR PROBABLY EVEN READ) ANYTHING THAT DISPUTES IT, MEAN GENE! ANY DISAGREEMENT WILL IMMEDIATELY BE PERCEIVED AS PART OF THE JEWISH COVERUP, JACK!
My encouragement is in the spreading of ideas and information. People believe in conspiracy theories, people hear about conspiracy theories people know about conspiracy theories, they are out there already. Deleting them when they are not disgustingly profane is an attempt to run and hide from the idiocy we're all subject to on a daily basis IRL. IF by this thread being up WITH THE DEBGUNKING helps 1 person see folly of the OP logic then Mission fukin accomplished.YOU COULD DISCOURAGE THE BOARD FROM BEING A PLATFORM FOR HATEFUL CONSPIRACY THEORIES THROUGH MODERATION, BUT YOU SEEM TO THINK EVEN HITLER SHOULD BE ABLE TO USE THE COLI TO ATTRACT FOLLOWERS, BROTHER!
have a bunch of jews dominate finance to make up stats of how gentiles benefit brehs......of course you could also read the rest of my post where I refer to percentage of revenues Jews earned in North American markets compared to gentile.
The Jewish presence in banking is primarily historical, since they were allowed to give loans at interest while other religions were not. Also, Jews were generally excluded from professions considered more "respectable," so if you are dismayed at the number of Jewish bankers, maybe you should blame antisemitism?
MY ONLY CONTENTION IS THAT THESE IMPRESSIONABLE TEENS YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT, FOR THE MOST PART, AREN'T GOING TO BELIEVE ANYTHING THAT DISPUTES THE ALLURING CONSPIRACY THEORIES, BROTHER!Keep in mind we're on a hip hop subforum that is often frequented by teens, teens who don't have the breath of experience in these types of arguments and their counter arguments. Keep in mind a lot of those kids don't comment but do read. I'd rather they see the hate, learn to disarm it and be better for it than never hear it, never learn about it or how to disarm it, then get caught by the OP IRL and made to look a fool.
People need to stop dignifying these clowns by recognizing them as worthy of debate wherever possible.
hey it's open season. we say what we got to say they say what we got to say . but i'll never listen to a jew tell me about white ppl when they do the same sh1t behind closed doors with the same white ppl.Oh yeah?
Some gems from David Duke:
White people don't need a law against rape, but if you fill this room up with your normal black bucks, you would, because ******s are basically primitive animals.
What we really want to do is to be left alone. We don't want Negroes around. We don't need Negroes around. We're not asking— you know, we don't want to have them, you know, for our culture. We simply want our own country and our own society. That's in no way exploitive at all. We want our own society, our own nation…
When the American people saw the LA riots and crowds of Blacks cheering O.J. Simpson (who was acquitted by the almost all Black jury), they received a peek into their future.
Increasingly independent black economic, cultural and political power gave Blacks more freedom to do what came natural to them. Divorced from White influence and culture, they reverted quickly to their genotype -- increasingly typical of black societies around the world. Males exhibited exaggerated sexual aggression and promiscuity that led to the dissolution of the Black nuclear family in America. Females reverted to the age-old African model of maternal provisioning of children.