I would to make a couple observations about this thread.
1) I find it funny that certain posters are getting so worked up about this topic (yes, the thread title is ignorant and trollish) but if this was about Scots, Poles or Danes, the typical Liberals would not have the same reaction.
2) Applying original sin, or collective guilt to any group is ignorant and i would also say evil. No person is evil simply because of their ethnicity, and i hate collectivism as a whole, however, I think saying "all jews are evil" is different than asking legitimate, although uncomfortable questions about Jewish Ethno-nationalism. Didn't Israel just kick out a large percent of African refugees and immigrants? Most Israelis did not want them(africans) there and believe Israel should be a Jewish only ethno state. I think recognizing Jewish Ethnocentrism is pretty obvious to anyone who objectively looks at the facts, this can lead to ugly antisemitism but that does not mean the questions and observations are any less legitimate.
3) Kevin B. MacDonald has written extensively about this topic - and yes, before anyone jumps down my throat about MacDonald, i do realize he attracts the typical goons and losers, that doesn't make his writing and academic studies any less note worthy.
"MacDonald's most controversial claim is that a suite of traits that he attributes to
Jews, including higher-than-average verbal intelligence and
ethnocentrism, have
eugenically and culturally evolved to enhance the ability of Jews to out-compete
non-Jews for resources. MacDonald believes this advantage has been used by a number of Jews to advance Jewish group interests and end potential
antisemitism by either deliberately or inadvertently undermining the power and self-confidence of the
European-derived majorities in the
Western world"
"MacDonald is best known for his trilogy that analyzes
Judaism and
Jewish culture from the perspective of
evolutionary psychology, comprising
A People That Shall Dwell Alone (1994),
Separation and Its Discontents (1998), and
The Culture of Critique (1998). He proposes that Judaism is a
group evolutionary strategyto enhance the ability of
Jews to out-compete non-Jews for resources. Using the term
Jewish ethnocentrism, he argues that Judaism fosters in Jews a series of marked genetic traits, including above-average verbal intelligence and a strong tendency toward collectivist behavior, as manifested in a series of influential intellectual movements. MacDonald repeatedly emphasizes that he does not argue that all Jews in all circumstances display the traits he identifies; for example, his
Understanding Jewish Influence argues that neoconservatism is a Jewish intellectual movement, while in the 2000 US Presidential Election about 80% of the Jewish vote went to Vice President Al Gore, who was campaigning against George W. Bush whose campaign was heavily staffed with and influenced by neoconservatives."
"MacDonald says that "the organized Jewish community" has been the single most important and powerful group in favor of unrestricted immigration to the United States, and that the community has been acting in its "own perceived collective interests," regardless of whether these are in conflict with the interests of other Americans.
"MacDonald's main thesis centers on the period preceding the
1965 Immigration Act when strict, country-of-origin based quotas existed, mostly favoring immigration from Europe. According to MacDonald, while most of the ethnic communities in that period were somewhat active in trying to affect the increase of immigration quotas from their own countries of origin (i.e., the Irish for immigration from Ireland, Greeks for immigration from Greece, etc.), only the Jewish community activists were requesting (and ultimately obtained in 1965) the dismantling of country-of-origin quotas and an increase in immigration across the board.[
citation needed] This policy shift benefited primarily non-European immigration and had a profound impact on the U.S. demographics in the following decades.[
citation needed] MacDonald says that Jews opposed immigration quotas because a diverse America was safer for Jews"
4) It does not take a rocket science to notice that Jews have been at the forefront of most of the academic theories used by the progressive left and the political class, marxism, whiteness studies, critical studies, feminism all have a very strong Jewish presence, as do the constant pushes for egalitarianism, diversity, and multiculturalism, i would be interesting in hearing opinions from members here on why they think that is? Don't blame me for noticing the trend, explain to me what i am missing and why i am wrong to notice this.
5) The modern usage of the term "white supremacist" is very interesting. White Supremacy, at least what i always thought it was, is the belief that Whites are morally and genetically superior to non whites. I find it interesting that even questioning or suggesting that European people have just as much of a right to their ethnic homelands, like any other group on earth, to be an inherently white supremacist point of view. I am actually taken aback when i hear people react so strongly to this seemingly common sense point of view. Peder Are Nostvold Jensen hold the view that:
"Jensen believes that the Western governments promoting the influx of non-
white immigrants are demonstrating "
white masochism", and that white people have the right to "preserve [their] heritage" and be "under no obligation to commit collective suicide".
[37] He denies that this is a
white supremacist view, stating that "Whites ... are currently the only racial group specifically denied the opportunity to defend their countries and heritage."
[37] He also rejects accusations of racism, stating that "non-whites attacking whites" constituted "the vast majority of racist violence in Western nations".
[37] He argues that "in Europe today, Marxists and Leftists of all kinds virtually control Western media and academia",
[38] and that "White critics of mass immigration" are systematically demonized as racists and right-wing extremists.
[39] Jensen argues for the preservation of a native majority, including indigenous Europeans, and demands an extremely restrictive immigration policy, the dissolution of the
European Union and the "rejection of
multiculturalism". He argues that otherwise, Europeans would have to conclude that the governments have given up on their people, and that the laws and taxes which they impose on them are therefore illegitimate.
If the ethnic English become 1% of the population of England due to immigration policy, will it still be "white supremacist" then? I am actually curious to hear different points of view on why so many members here seem to think European people have no legitimacy whatsoever.