I cannot believe the positive reviews this film is getting. It is absolute terrible.
Spoilers below
It's like on one hand it wants to be a trashy 70s style rape revenge film, but it has no bite at all. These films are supposed to use violence as catharsis but there is very little violence in it, and the one murder we do see is done to the female protagonist. But on the other hand it also wants to be a smart satire and social commentary on the ways women have to deal with sexual violence and misogny. But the characterisation throughout is so shallow and unsuble that the film just comes across as witless and not nunanced enough to really say anything. Ever character is a caricature. From the douchebag business bros to Alison Brie's airhead WASP wife. These characters aren't human beings. They're cartoon characters.
But beyond anything else, the film's biggest failing, and I genuinely could not believe it when I seen it, one of the most

things I've seen in a film; in the end the film gives us a "happy" ending and vindication for Carey Mulligan and her friend by telling us everything is going to be okay because the cops are on the case! The film is contantly telling us that institutions fail women. And now we're supposed to assume that these privleged white boys are gonna get the justice they deserve through the legal system?
Like I could not believe this is how they wrapped this shyt up. Not just a bad film but a film with some very questionable politics. I don't see how feminists could co-sign this bullshyt?
This was 100% shallow identity politics for centrists filmmaking.