Cryptocurrency Scarface
I was fukking with MS this gen because of the price and value. But if prices go up... well
#SteamingMadQuote a post of me or anyone else saying MS would never raise prices.
Sony stans say the dumbest shyt
Quote a post of me or anyone else saying MS would never raise prices.
Sony stans say the dumbest shyt
Of Course Gamepass going to increase but I am locked in until 2025
Free the .While the arcadium financial analysts break this one down ad nauseum allow me to remind you that it has been 348 hours, 19 minutes, and 42 seconds since brother duck was taken into custody. The nation will only demand his release peacefully but for so long.
While the arcadium financial analysts break this one down ad nauseum allow me to remind you that it has been 348 hours, 19 minutes, and 42 seconds since brother duck was taken into custody. The nation will only demand his release peacefully but for so long.
Free the .