PraegerU megathread - drop all the worst videos they're trying to approve for our schools

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Been thinking about starting this thread ever since Florida made the announcement. This shyt is going into the schools now to be used for straight propaganda. PraegerU's name needs to be absolute dirt everywhere, we can't take their foot off their necks.

Use this thread to post the worst PraegerU videos you see. Racism, historical errors, caping for White supremacy, hyper-capitalist bullshyt, etc. Try and link the actual videos or places where they're mirrored, don't post Twitter threads cause people are closing their accounts every day now so the links might not last.

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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
This one could be titled, "Why Frederick Douglass opposes BLM." Constant falsehoods claiming anti-slavery wasn't a thing until the Founding Fathers, and somehow pretends that abolitionists succeeded through some internal bureaucratic procedures and forgets how they actually moved and how abolition actually happened. Frederick Douglass tells the kids that radical activists are always wrong, and the only real way to change things is to work within the system for slow and gradual change. The Founding Fathers basically made the perfect system, everything is working out as intended, and people who want to burn things down never create positive change. What's the proof? Well, just look at slavery!

[Video starts with some fake news clips delivered sarcastically to make it look like the 2020 George Floyd protests were nothing but riots and destruction whitewashed by the media. News figures repeatedly say that the protestors wish to abolish all police. The kids are disturbed by all the protests and radicalism, so they go back to 1852 to see what a real abolitionist would have to say about this.]

2:01 Frederick Douglass: "The sad fact is slavery has existed everywhere in the world for thousands of years."

3:05 Frederick Douglass: "Children, our founding fathers knew that slavery was horrible and wrong. And they knew that it would do terrible harm to the nation. They wanted it to end. But their first priority was getting all 13 colonies to unite as one country. The southern colonies were dependent on slave labor and they wouldn't have joined a union that had banned it."

Teenage white girl: Are you okay with that?"

Frederick Douglass: "I'm certainly not okay with slavery, but the founding fathers made a compromise to achieve something great: The making of the United States. If they immediately outlawed slavery after winning independence, the southern colonies would have formed their own slave-owning country. Our founders created a system they thought would have slavery end gradually."

Little white boy: "Well, we're here in 1852 and America's been around for about 75 years. You're still trying to get slavery abolished. It doesn't sound like the system the founding fathers set up is working."

Frederick Douglass: "On the contrary! All the northern states outlawed slavery by 1904, and buying slaves from Africa for the whole country was outlawed four years later."

Little white boy: "What's taking the southern states so long to do what's right?"

Frederick Douglass: "Great streams are not easily turned from channels worn deep in the course of ages. What I mean is, sometimes things are more complicated than they might seem, and complicated problems take time to solve."

4:44 Frederick Douglass: "There was no real movement anywhere in the world to abolish slavery before the American founding. Slavery was part of life all over the world. It was America that began the conversation to end it."

5:00 Frederick Douglass: "Have you kids heard of William Lloyd Garrison? He's an abolitionist like me, and he and I used to be friends. But we aren't any longer. We don't agree how to solve problems. William refuses all compromises, demands immediate change, and if he doesn't get what he wants, he likes to set things on fire."

White kids: "Sounds familiar."

Frederick Douglass: "Sounds like you know the type."

Teenage white girl: "Yeah, we've got that type in our time. So, you're trying to work for change inside the American system."

Frederick Douglass: "Precisely Layla. Our system is wonderful"

5:57 Teenage White girl: "Well, your way is definitely better. It's the right way to get change."

Frederick Douglass: "I think so, but how are you so sure?"

Teenage white girl: "Spoiler alert! In our time, you're considered an American hero, and that other guy isn't really known."

Little white boy: "And double spoiler alert. Also in our time, all Americans are equally protected under the law and have equal voting rights regardless of race."

Fredericik Douglass: "Does America have the same constitution in your time as the one here in 1852?"

Teenage white girl: "We sure do, same one, with some changes called amendments."

Frederick Douglass, absolutely giddy, daps the kids up: "I knew the US Constitution would survive and allow for positive change!"

Little white boy: "We even had a Black president! Two terms!"

Frederick Douglass was happier to hear that the Constitution is still around than to hear that slavery was over or America has a Black president. :laff:

Historical lies in the video:

* Claims every community everywhere in the world always had slavery (Many societies did not have anything like American slavery)

* Claims the Founding Fathers started the anti-slavery conversation (In America it started over 100 years before them)

* Claims all Founding Fathers wanted to ban slavery (despite many of them not even getting rid of their own slaves.)

* Claims that the Constitution was successful in slowly abolishing slavery (even though the South had already dug in their heels long before 1852 and was making zero progress)

* Claims slavery ended through slow gradual change (not a bloody Civil War)

* Falsely portrays William Lloyd Garrison as some sort of terrorist who burns things down (even though he was a pacifist and completely anti-violence)
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
This one could be titled, "Black people need to stop whining and just pull themselves up by their own bootstraps." Basically equates Black folk with lazy children and whitewashes how evil the Jim Crow era was. Tells white kids that they had nothing to do with oppression against Black people and should stop feeling sorry for it or think that it has any relevance today.

Little kid doesn't like doing his chores and wants everyone to do everything for him. They go back to Booker T. Washington so he can whitewash America's history of slavery and white supremacy to push a "You all just have to work harder!" message.

03:10 Teenage white girl: "Mr. Washington, don't you ever wish you could have been born in a different country?"

Booker T. Washington: "That's a great question. I hate slavery too, but it's been a reality everywhere in the world. Even now in 1910, it's still happening in other countries. Despite our nation not always living up to its declaration that all men are created equal, I am still so proud and thankful to be an American!"

Teenage white girl: "Even though you were a slave?"

Booker T Washington: "Exactly! Because I was, and not anymore. America was one of the first places on Earth to outlaw yes, I am proud and thankful!"

7:55 Booker T. Washington: "Your sympathy is nice, Layla, but know that you have nothing to be sorry about. You and Leo have done nothing wrong. You indeed have been quite respectful. Future generations are never responsible for the sins of the past. "

Teenage white girl: “OK. I’ll keep doing my best to treat everyone well and won’t feel guilty about historical stuff.”

Booker T. Washington: "Good, you shouldn't."

8:32 Little white boy: "So, if we can take of ourselves, by learning skills and working hard and improving who we are, then it won't be so bad if life gets unfair?"

Booker T. Washington: "And it can all start with making yourselves some snacks."

Teenage white girl: "It's kind of like being able to do more for yourself not only gives you freedom, but also gives you a shield against people trying to hold you back."

Booker T. Washington: "That is exactly right. I hope this is the lesson you kids came looking for."

Basic history message is, "Black people still faced some challenges in 1910, but slavery was over and it was way better for Black people in America than anywhere else! So long as they got an education and worked hard, they were fine."

Historical lies in the video:

* Falsely claims that America was one of the first places to ban slavery. [Ignores France abolishing slavery in 1794, Haiti abolishing slavery in 1804, UK abolishing slavery in 1833. Mexico, Chile, Columbia, Venezuela, Argentina, and Peru all abolished slavery between 1821 and 1854. Not to mention all the various civilizations that had stopped slavery at various points hundreds of years earlier.]

* Suggests that Frederick Douglass was basically happy with America's progress in 1910

* Mentions ongoing racial discrimination to a degree, but gives the impression that Black folk in his time were pretty much fine so long as they got an education and worked hard [Ignoring the USA actually reverted and things generally got worse for Black folk in many ways between 1884 and 1920]
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Dec 24, 2016
In a video posted to the Moms for Liberty YouTube Channel from the group’s July “Joyful Warriors National Summit” conference in Philadelphia, Prager shared with the group a conversation he said he had with demonstrators on his way into the event: “I really wanted to hear what evidence do you have that I am despicable? And all I heard was, ‘Well, because you indoctrinate kids.’ Which is true. We bring doctrines to children. That is a very fair statement. I said, ‘But what is the bad of our indoctrination?’”

this is very bad. they making a big push in the south, not just Florida. They already working on having their shyt in Oklahoma and Texas as well:snoop:

the elastic

livin' outside of the matrix
Mar 11, 2022
the bay/norcal



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Media Matters already broke it down:


Adeptus Astartes

Loyal servant of the God-Brehmperor
Sep 15, 2019
Imperium of Man
Videos are very effective propaganda
Do these videos not have a comment section or you need YouTube kids?
Any video targeted towards children blocks comments. It was due to pedos using the comments to communicate with potential victims :francis:

the elastic

livin' outside of the matrix
Mar 11, 2022
the bay/norcal

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
One thing I realized watching this latest one is that fortunately, they're not likely to go viral with kids. Animation is shyt and the scripts are boring. Random content creators working alone do a better job. Unfortunately, the Praeger machine will probably get better at it over time.

I'm not going to summarize all the lies because it's just typical climate change denialism and pretty low-effort at that. Their entire argument against the science is "The Earth has been warming and cooling for its entire history." In fact, that's the closest they get to science in the entire video, so which class would even show this?

The bizarre thing about the video is that their entire argument is, "Russia shut off natural gas to Poland due to the war. This is proof that we need to rely on fossil fuels more and green energy is unreliable."

No, dumbasses, Poland was vulnerable to Russian manipulation BECAUSE they relied on Russian fossil fuels. If Poland had green energy infrastructure in place, they wouldn't be as vulnerable to day-to-day manipulations of the energy market and supply chains.

Oh, and they compare climate change deniers to the heroes of the Warsaw Uprising. :mjlol: