Yeah in the later seasons Ghost was written more to get the audience to dislike him more in my opinion. For some reason Kemp wanted to turn the audience against Ghost, and it came to a head with the trash Tariq killing Ghost storyline.
Tasha never wanted him to go fully legit since day one, yet by the end we're supposed to believe Ghost is the bad guy for wanting better, especially when they all knew that.
Ghost told Tommy to be careful with Holly, and Teresi. Yet for some reason we're supposed to be mad at Ghost for some shyt that turned out to be true in both cases?
Tariq is a trust fund kid who wants to be in the streets for some odd reason, he says he has to be the one to kill Ray Ray, then all of a sudden he looks to Ghost to take the weight for him? He says he's never done shyt for him when he lives in a fukking penthouse, goes to the nicest schools, wears the nicest clothes, yet we're supposed to be on Tariq's side why? The Angela shyt is not a good enough reason for him to do that shyt, I'll never accept it.
Then I see Kemp be like "Oh well he put hands on Tasha" foh early Ghost would never put hands on Tasha like that. They went way too overboard trying to get the audience to hate Ghost.
That's what killed me about the last season. All of a sudden, we're supposed to believe that Ghost is this demonic scumbag that deserves to die for all the lives he ruined and all the lies he told. They wanted to do what David Chase did with The Sopranos and make Ghost as unlikable as possible, but it didn't work for two reasons:
1. Tony always had unlikable qualities, they were just amplified as the show went on. Ghost actually cared about the people around him, especially his kids. The only person you could say he mistreated was Tasha, but their relationship was fukked from the beginning. Ghost wouldn't do 85% of the shyt Tony did.
2. Damn near every other character on Power was more unlikable and irritating than Ghost could ever be. In multiple cases, they were legitimate dangers to society that should have gotten the needle (Tasha, Tariq, Tommy, Saxe, Dre). When my friend binge watched Power, one of the things he hated was how much Tommy didn't listen to Ghost and how reckless he was. You can't make me dislike Ghost when he's surrounded by idiots, sociopaths, and twerps.
Courtney Kemp projected her hatred of her own father on to the Ghost character via Tariq's storyline.
That's why Tariq became a main character and why suddenly EVERY character HATED Ghost.
Then they had him put hands on Tasha on some DV shyt.
Meanwhile Kemp was coming out with BULLJIVE like this
We literally saw Ghost give Tariq a life of luxury along with putting him in the best schools
That tweet was awful in 2019 and it's awful now. When you have to justify your choices as a writer to complete strangers on social media, you lost. She should have never engaged with whoever she was responding to. But since she did, let me say a couple of three things:
1. This tweet is representative of all the things wrong with Power in the later seasons. She really saw Tariq as an innocent kid that did no wrong and it's all Ghost's fault he ended up the way he did. She doesn't sound like the creator of a hit TV show, she sounds like an obsessed fan sticking up for her favorite character.
2. "Ghost left his family for Angela." No, he didn't, he left Tasha for Angela and he even said that himself. He never abandoned Tariq or Raina or Yaz and stayed in their lives. "Ghost just stood there." Tariq ended up the way he did because of Kanan. He was going to kill him until he heard him talking shyt about Ghost, then extorted money from Dre so he wouldn't say anything about being friends with Tariq. The guy admitted that he was using Tariq and killed his best friend (Shawn). But yeah, Ghost did nothing to save Tariq and didn't care about him at any point in the series.
3. She doesn't even sound like she knows anything about her own show. I know fans tend to have way better memories than writers, but what she's saying blatantly contradicts what we saw on the show.