dope ep.....
Garcelle lookin
.....i saw more of her belly than her booty.....
Tommy can't be this naive and stupid when it comes to his pops gettin out a feelin he gonna have to merc his own father...
Tariq started the ep pissin me off by still lyin about not seein raina die....finally had to come clean after that Tasha apology....
Angela think gettin a cease and desist order on that detective is gonna stop things....smh...dumbest Agent i've seen on tv in years......the Black FBI dude gonna end up turnin on her....
Dre days are numbers...NOBODY likes this dude...they just givin him enough rope to hang himself...
Kanaan doin all this sneaky shyt....gonna be hilarious when he go back to war with ghost and tommy....
yo serious La La ass fake??....i don't remember her bein that swoll....i mean as soon as she let tommy in the door my eyes couldn't focus on nothin but her booty....