Power Season 5 (Official Thread)


Rasta in Babylon
May 1, 2012
Florida / Bahamas
BTW has anyone else noticed a pattern with the hitmen in this show being so incompetent? :heh:

- Pink Sneakers fukking up the hit on Ghost and shooting Holly instead

- That chick who missed Lobos in the swimming pool despite being like two feet away

- Those two dudes sent to kill Kanaan and having the drop on him only to get carved up like turkeys.

- Of course those two mob hitters from this episode

All of these are supposed to be the best but failing at jobs a 10 year old could pull off. :mjlol:

That was a 80 grand hit.... dudes came with bed sheets and linen.


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
A post on Facebook:

So many people missed the set up here. Ghost and Tommy had Tariq send that text to Dre. Dre still thinks Tariq owes him one for telling him where RayRay was and that Tariq still hates his family. When Tommy said “eyes on Dre” at the funeral, that was the signal. Ghost planned to use Blacks and Italians. The Black guys were there to make sure Dre didn’t run out of the club, rather have him run down to the basement and into the Italians (he wouldn’t suspect white guys as shooters). The Italians got hit. Tommy knows the mob won’t let that go unpunished, essentially forcing their investment in the Jimenez. You really think Tommy can just walk up to the Italians and say hey, go to war for me? Na. He purposely chose those two Italian dudes because that higher up mobster basically told Tommy they were no good and to not talk to them. He used them because if they got hit, it wasn’t as big of a deal. He knows he will get a slap on the wrist though. So what is the result? Tommy and Ghost have started a war the Jimenez didn’t want. A war that Dre was supposed to prevent as part of his beginning business with the Jimenez. Y’all really think the Jimenez will go to war over Dre? They may flex at first but once the body count gets higher I smell problems for Dre. When Tariq comes back to the funeral he nods at Ghost who then nods back. Now Dre thinks Tariq has got his back. It was all part of the plan.

that actually makes a lot of sense. ill watch again and see if i catch that connection


May 1, 2012
A post on Facebook:

So many people missed the set up here. Ghost and Tommy had Tariq send that text to Dre. Dre still thinks Tariq owes him one for telling him where RayRay was and that Tariq still hates his family. When Tommy said “eyes on Dre” at the funeral, that was the signal. Ghost planned to use Blacks and Italians. The Black guys were there to make sure Dre didn’t run out of the club, rather have him run down to the basement and into the Italians (he wouldn’t suspect white guys as shooters). The Italians got hit. Tommy knows the mob won’t let that go unpunished, essentially forcing their investment in the Jimenez. You really think Tommy can just walk up to the Italians and say hey, go to war for me? Na. He purposely chose those two Italian dudes because that higher up mobster basically told Tommy they were no good and to not talk to them. He used them because if they got hit, it wasn’t as big of a deal. He knows he will get a slap on the wrist though. So what is the result? Tommy and Ghost have started a war the Jimenez didn’t want. A war that Dre was supposed to prevent as part of his beginning business with the Jimenez. Y’all really think the Jimenez will go to war over Dre? They may flex at first but once the body count gets higher I smell problems for Dre. When Tariq comes back to the funeral he nods at Ghost who then nods back. Now Dre thinks Tariq has got his back. It was all part of the plan.


i don't know about this breh, was riq defending dre in front of his moms and being thrown against the wall by ghost aparto f the plan as well? seems super farfetched


All Money In
May 8, 2012
South Memphis
These Italian shooters were supposed to be legit and got done up by Dre like some scrubs :why:

They gave that boy Dre an upgrade in evasion and close quarter combat tactics
They probably wasnt experienced with an up close snatch and grab. As hard as that to believe. I thought the same thing. The point is Tommy was told not to deal with them. AT ALL!

Which gives a lot of creedance to that FB post @DaRealness just posted.
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