It's like the writers are competing with theirselves to see which character they can make more stupid and unlikeable, Tasha or Tariq.

at Tasha tryna run that weak ass game on the lawyer which includes snitching on herself and her son, then being surprised that the lawyer didn't go for it. "I got him on lock". The only logical next step for the lawyer is to go to the cops and tell them all that he knows. I get he may be scared of ghost, but I don't see how going on the run ducking a subpoena helps him out. That's the same as giving up his career and his freedom. If he's going to do that then he might as well just lie and cover for Tasha.
Tasha is just written to be a wack ass bytch tho. She lies to everybody, takes no responsibility for her own situation, and she plays the victim when she's the victimizer. Under logical circumstances, Tariq would be in real danger of going to jail right now and it would be mainly due to her. It's her lacking as a mom that allowed Tariq to spiral out of control. Yea ghost wasn't there as his father, but we all the shyt he was juggling and through it all he never failed to provide. All Tasha had to do was hold the home front down which only consisted of keeping the kids in line. The writers have refused to show her as functioning mother. I don't even know why they still have the baby girl character on the show because completely inconsequential. Not only is she not shown outside of very special occasions, they don't even show ghost, Tasha, or Tariq acknowledging her existence. Where is she? Who has her?
Tariq is only slightly less likeable than Tasha because he's a kid. His character is written just as badly tho. It makes no sense for him to have all of this hatred for his dad while having love and admiration for the kannan character. He claims to hate ghost for lying about his "street-nikka" past and being a hustler. Well he knows that kannan did that and worse. He found out that kannan was not only lying to him, had set him up to be kidnapped-killed, and he killed his friend Sean who turned out to be kannan'a own son. If naked no sense for him to trust kannan let alone look up to him. "I want to be a hustler like you".

Dude hasn't even thought twice about the body that might come back to get him.
The writing laughable and all you cats who get sensitive at people critiquing it can eat a dikk.