- Serbian dude saying to Kanan he needs to earn his position by building trust.

Last I checked, bringing you the HEAD of your enemy has sufficed since ancient times. Dafuq??
- Tommy always popping up on Angela out the blue like Chucky.
- Tommy running his mouth to Teresi and his shady friend.

Yeah, I know it's not real life but with all the reckless shyt he's done there's no way he'd still be walking the streets.
- Councilman O-Dog finally having the tables turned on his snaky, self righteous ass. I thought he might have been connected to an old drug enemy but turns out he's just a typical corrupt politician.
- Tasha being dropped by smiling fox 'Deleterious'!

bytch was feeling herself way too much where he was concerned and convinced he would have risked his whole career and freedom for her hoodrat ass, knowing damn well she wouldn't have pissed on him if he was on fire. Typical of chicks who overrate their p*ssy and underestimate dudes.
- Diego and his near mute bodyguard being dropped so easily like that. I know it was to highlight the fact that he's sloppy, but damn. Anyone would have smelled a rat.
- I'm getting tired of Sax and Jet Li. I don't know why Tasha don't think he could take that new position and THEN come after her.
- Tommy wanting to invite his black girlfriend to dinner.
I can imagine their reaction when he brings a "moolinyan" chick to the home of his eye-talian family.
I still remember back in season 3 when it was "those people" when referring to Ghost and Tasha when he was with Holly.
Thought we forgot about that, eh Tommy Boy?
- That 2-Bit dude is a horrible actor with those scrunchy facial expressions.

Dude couldn't act his way out a wet paper bag with scissors in his hands.
- Remember that chick whose fiance got murked by Ghost in the very first episode? They brought her back seeming like she was gonna be a problem for them, now that shyt has disappeared as quick as it came, therefore it was pointless filler like a lot of other shyt.
Still, the fukkery is

as always.