Abe was "progressive" for his time, He abolished slavery (nothing more needs to be said)
Lyndon Johnson for the civil rights act
FDR with the new deal (policy wise, arguably the most progressive)
But for me Jimmy carter was without a doubt the most progressive president in US history, He
was talking about climate change,railing against consumerism and waste etc at a time that it
wasn't popular to do so especially as a US president, He was the only president to be genuinely anti war and military industrial complex
and He continues to champion progressive causes even till this day
No wonder cacs hate(ed) the man so much
Lyndon Johnson for the civil rights act
FDR with the new deal (policy wise, arguably the most progressive)
But for me Jimmy carter was without a doubt the most progressive president in US history, He
was talking about climate change,railing against consumerism and waste etc at a time that it
wasn't popular to do so especially as a US president, He was the only president to be genuinely anti war and military industrial complex

No wonder cacs hate(ed) the man so much
