It sounded really weird on the podcast because there is no music.

I would wake up early to catch the show live even the local hour but now I sleep in and catch the podcast. Jim Rome had a mini romagedon today so he easily blew Lebatard show out of the water today since Dan wanted to remind us that Mina knows more about football than any man ever and tell us how Fultz really feels even though he hasn't done an interview with her or anybody since that game to detail how he felt. He actually ignores those questions and wants people to just move on not dig deeper into his alleged mental situation.
Mina and Alt-right Mike were beating the drum for Manziel to get signed by the patriots or another team but she never brought up his domestic violence. She and Alt-right Mike were giving stats but normally male feminist Dan would bring up mistreatment of women but even he was silent. The only thing Dan brought up was that genius never wrong Mina suffers if a hair is out of place or a fact is wrong, mean men attack her online. Dan had a woman in the room not named Allyson finally and he could have talked about how outrage over the Manziel/Kapernick double standard isn't just about on field stats but hitting a woman and other bad off field behavior and he conveniently doesn't mention it.