Winning a big lottery jackpot is my dream.
Dan so annoyed with fantasy talk and thinking it's lame and he is too cool to talk about it while Cote and his Lobos are going to end up on CBS talking about fantasy players for that XFL knockoff league.
Dan didn't let Cote finish talking about the league and what he will do as the fantasy football president when they returned from break.
Dan making fun of CBS for years for being for old people and then they make Cote head of that leagues fantasy.
I also heard Cote sneak in that Back in my day and soup of the day plugs for a potential book when they discussed Stu's record book.#securethebagcote

Dan didn't let Cote finish talking about the league and what he will do as the fantasy football president when they returned from break.

I also heard Cote sneak in that Back in my day and soup of the day plugs for a potential book when they discussed Stu's record book.#securethebagcote

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