Dan needs to be smacked for this riding the fence defending child rapists shyt.
I have been able to just skip the segments until today but he must know we are skipping ahead in podcasts because he is weaving in his talking points during other topics so I can't skip it. He even brought back up defending Paterno.
Dan is defending himself or a close friend or family member member secretly because being a contrarian can only go so far when you are willing to defend child rapists publicly.
I heard Dan's girlfriend is Jewish so he made sure to go at Erykah Badu that Hitler is impossible to say something positive about but Dan is on week two of riding for pedos. Most people have no gray area or wiggle room on that pedo topic but Dan does then he turns around and says he understands Brady being the hurt dad.
As Dan went on about evil Hitler and how you can't say anything nice I thought he would tie it to how people debate Confederate statues, genocide of native Americans or American slaveowners but later that hour Dan made a joke about the guys working hard like in the bottom of a slave ship.
Dan probably never heard of King Leopold II if he wants to discuss evil people and genocide.