Winning a big lottery jackpot is my dream.
Dan describing Hollywood powerful predators-"Give the high school dork all the power in the world and see where that gets you."

Is Dan so not self aware that he didn't realize he was describing the people at ESPN who didn't play pro sports like himself too? Chris Berman and alot of ESPN people and Dan's bosses who he always defends have been accused of the same stuff as those Hollywood predators. Jemelle,Pablo,Mina,Bomani,Dan and all those people were not the cool hip kids in high school some didn't even blossom in college. The smartest person in high school is not the coolest person. Its usually the athletes or cheerleaders maybe even the richest kids. A lot of former college and pro athletes are at ESPN now but the other straight journalists are drawing their confidence from fame and money not past experience in school. You have people trying really hard at ESPN to seem cool by imitating other people who were cool, Bomani gets called out on it all the time. Bomani will tell Dan not to explain a black joke to white people who didn't get it and then Bomani does it all day on his twitter feed. I think its one of the reasons Dan and Bomani aren't in a rush to get married or have kids because they didn't start enjoying life and dating until they were famous and rich and older.
Even with Dan having money and fame his little brother seems like a naturally cooler guy. His little brother seems like the cool guy who got attractive women even when he had no money or fame. These people like Dan remind me of the musician The Dream he was the chubby band member back in school and now whenever he gets near a dimepiece he cant help but get her pregnant to make up for the fat kid who was smart and nice and getting friendzoned back in the day. I quoted Bomani on this site before when a girl from high school called him out:
Girl from Bomanis high school- You weren't this cocky and outspoken back in school
Bomani- good thing life doesn't stop at school
SVP made his career copying Stuart Scott's whole style and other black peoples sayings now he jacks a lot from Bomani(who is also borrowing from younger people) so you know that guy SVP wasn't cool back in the day he looks like the bald guy who dances for the Six Flags commercials. We all heard that lame on the phone begging a woman to overlook his lameness and his ugliness and see him again after their one nightstand. Jenn Stergers blind item about getting harassed by an ESPN personality sounded a lot like SVP based on the million follower part.
Dan also called Amin an amateur because of the way he handled the Whiteside face to face conversation like we don't remember Dan who is 25 years deep in this reporting game botched the D Wade stuff so bad that Wade and his wife Gabby are still mad at Dan and Dan waited a year after Wade left to tell us all he is part of the reason Wade left the team and city.

Is Dan so not self aware that he didn't realize he was describing the people at ESPN who didn't play pro sports like himself too? Chris Berman and alot of ESPN people and Dan's bosses who he always defends have been accused of the same stuff as those Hollywood predators. Jemelle,Pablo,Mina,Bomani,Dan and all those people were not the cool hip kids in high school some didn't even blossom in college. The smartest person in high school is not the coolest person. Its usually the athletes or cheerleaders maybe even the richest kids. A lot of former college and pro athletes are at ESPN now but the other straight journalists are drawing their confidence from fame and money not past experience in school. You have people trying really hard at ESPN to seem cool by imitating other people who were cool, Bomani gets called out on it all the time. Bomani will tell Dan not to explain a black joke to white people who didn't get it and then Bomani does it all day on his twitter feed. I think its one of the reasons Dan and Bomani aren't in a rush to get married or have kids because they didn't start enjoying life and dating until they were famous and rich and older.
Even with Dan having money and fame his little brother seems like a naturally cooler guy. His little brother seems like the cool guy who got attractive women even when he had no money or fame. These people like Dan remind me of the musician The Dream he was the chubby band member back in school and now whenever he gets near a dimepiece he cant help but get her pregnant to make up for the fat kid who was smart and nice and getting friendzoned back in the day. I quoted Bomani on this site before when a girl from high school called him out:
Girl from Bomanis high school- You weren't this cocky and outspoken back in school

Bomani- good thing life doesn't stop at school

SVP made his career copying Stuart Scott's whole style and other black peoples sayings now he jacks a lot from Bomani(who is also borrowing from younger people) so you know that guy SVP wasn't cool back in the day he looks like the bald guy who dances for the Six Flags commercials. We all heard that lame on the phone begging a woman to overlook his lameness and his ugliness and see him again after their one nightstand. Jenn Stergers blind item about getting harassed by an ESPN personality sounded a lot like SVP based on the million follower part.

Dan also called Amin an amateur because of the way he handled the Whiteside face to face conversation like we don't remember Dan who is 25 years deep in this reporting game botched the D Wade stuff so bad that Wade and his wife Gabby are still mad at Dan and Dan waited a year after Wade left to tell us all he is part of the reason Wade left the team and city.
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