Captain Crunch
It's ova dawg
If the Bulls win tonight
It's ova dawg
If the Bulls win tonight
This is the best show on the radio, BY FAR IMO. Dan, Stu and Mike play off of each other so well that it's just beautiful to listen to. I'm a big fan of Dan. He's smart, funny, perceptive, and a great interviewer. His interviews are always different than the norm, and usally pretty damn good. Dude deserves every push ESPN wants to give him.
I was reading Deitsch's Media Column yesterday and he linked a Sports Radio Mock Draft, where some dude gathered 32 programmers from around the country, threw every sports radio name in the ring, and had them draft personalities. Dan went 16th, and Stu went 25th, thanks in large part I'm sure to his home station picking there. You can't tell me there are 15 better sports radio personalities on the planet than Dan LeBatard right now.
Wilbon is so ridiculously childish. his first defense of anything is to call people stupid, as if he's smart.Dan is a brilliant mind who happens to love being a while simultaneously calling out these angry cacs in sports.
Breh always downplays his work but goddamn is he good.
He always gets Wilbon ANGRY everytime that fat c00n comes on the show
The way he weaves in racism, police, etc is great.
And i know he's when the cac texters lose their shyt when he calls out the hypocrisy.
"Lebaflab, Lebalard, Fattard"
Just not the ones about Shaq walking around butt booty naked and wrassling his trainersAmin Elhassan cohosting today, I want those NBA stories
that entire segment had meJAWS