Wow! I had never heard of that story, where Stugotz left a UM game to go to PF Changs, only to turn around and rip UM fans the next day on the air for leaving the game........."for 4 hours, too" If that's not the most Stugotz-ian thing I've ever heard, I don't know what is. shyt had me in stitches.

And that entire exchange of Stugotz inviting Allyson over to his house so she can be safe from hurricane Matthew........and also to make him some Tea.

Also, we just gonna ignore the fact the Dan LeBatard Show had 8Million podcast downloads last month??

No longer the 300 fighting in the shade, we done turned into an army/movement now.

So happy this show has completely kicked Mike & Mike to the curb, and are now ESPN's biggest radio entity. Does anybody talk/care about that stale as show anymore, better yet, can't believe people actually listened to that trash. Seems like it was just yesterday, Stugotz was lamenting being in M&M's position as ESPN's top dawg on the radio, and they snatched that shyt right from under them.

Just need Bomani to surpass M&M, and all can be right in the world.